
生活学习2024-03-11 20:11:24自考教育网







除了“hover”,还有一些同义词可以用来表达相同的意思。比如,“linger”、“dwell”、“hesitate”等都可以表示悬停或犹豫不决的状态。例如,“She hovered between two options before making her decision.”(她在两个选择之间犹豫不决,最终做出了决定。)


1. hover是什么意思?


2. hover怎么读?


3. hover的同义词有哪些?

hover的同义词包括:float, levitate, suspend等。它们都表示物体在空中悬停的动作。

4. hover的例句有哪些?

a) When you hover your mouse over the image, a description will pop up.


b) The helicopter could hover above the building for hours.


c) The butterfly hovered above the flowers, searching for nectar.


5. 如何正确读取hover?



1. hover的意思


2. hover的读音


3. hover的同义词

hover的同义词包括:linger, float, suspend, drift等。

4. hover的用法

a. 作为动词,常用于以下句型:

- The bird hovered in the air before landing on the branch.


- She hovered around the buffet table, trying to decide what to eat.


- The cursor will change when you hover over a link.


b. 作为名词,常用于以下句型:

- The helicopter maintained a steady hover above the building.


- You can see the title of the webpage by placing your mouse over the link and waiting for the hover to appear.


5. hover的双语例句

- The dragonfly hovered over the pond, its wings beating rapidly.


- She hovered in front of the mirror, adjusting her makeup.


- When you hover your mouse over a word, a definition will pop up.


- The drone can maintain a stable hover in strong winds.


- He felt like he was in a state of limbo, hovering between two decisions.



1. Hover over: 悬停于

例句:Hover over the image to see a larger version.

2. Hover around: 徘徊于

例句:She hovered around the edges of the party, not sure who to talk to.

3. Hover on/upon: 纠结于,犹豫不决

例句:He hovered on whether to accept the job offer or not.

4. Hover in/around: 围绕,盘旋于

例句:The helicopter hovered in the sky, waiting for instructions.

5. Hover above/below: 在...之上/下方盘旋

例句:The drone hovered above the city, capturing breathtaking aerial shots.

6. Hover around/over someone: 对某人关怀备至,过分关注某人

例句:She always hovers over her children, making sure they are safe and well-behaved.

7. Hover between choices/options: 在选择中犹豫不决

例句:I'm hovering between taking a gap year or going straight to college.

8. Hover at/on/near something: 在...附近盘旋

例句:The seagull hovered at the edge of the pier, waiting for scraps of food.

9. Hover in mid-air/space/water: 在半空中/太空中/水面上盘旋

例句:The hot air balloon hovered in mid-air, giving passengers a stunning view of the landscape below.

10. Keep/have someone hovering (around): 让某人在附近待着,让某人围绕在身边

例句:I hate it when my boss keeps hovering around me while I'm trying to work


1. 悬停:hover的本意为悬停,表示鼠标在某个区域内静止不动的状态。

例句:When you hover over the image, a description will appear.

2. 悬浮:与悬停类似,表示鼠标在某个区域内移动但不点击的状态。

例句:The menu will expand when you hover your mouse over it.

3. 鼠标滑过:指鼠标在某个区域内移动并且经过其中的内容。

例句:The color of the button will change when you hover over it.

4. 指向:指鼠标光标指向某个特定的位置或元素。

例句:The arrow will point to the correct answer when you hover over the options.

5. 悬挂:与悬停类似,表示鼠标在某个区域内静止不动。

例句:A small pop-up window will appear when you hover your mouse over the link.

6. 滑动:指鼠标在屏幕上滑动移动的动作。

例句:You can scroll through the page by hovering your mouse over the scroll bar.

7. 驻留:与悬浮类似,表示鼠标在某个区域内移动但不点击或操作任何内容。

例句:When you hover over a word, its definition will appear in a pop-up bubble.

8. 触发:指通过鼠标操作来触发某个事件或功能。

例句:Hovering over the button will trigger the animation.

9. 悬停显示:指鼠标悬停在某个区域内,内容会出现在屏幕上。

例句:The tooltip will appear when you hover over the icon.

10. 悬停状态:指鼠标在某个区域内的特定状态。

例句:The button will change color to indicate its hover state

