
生活学习2024-03-11 20:25:13自考教育网



1. however的拼音是"haʊˈɛvər",其中"h"发音为清辅音,"aʊ"发音为双元音,"ɛvər"发音为中央元音和清辅音的组合。

2. "however"是一个副词,意为“然而”,常用于句子中表示转折、对比或让步的关系。


3. 它可以用来引出一个与前面所说内容相反的观点,也可以用来表示某种情况下的限制或条件。

4. "however"在句子中通常位于句首或句中,后面要加逗号。例如:"However, I still believe that we should try our best." (然而,我仍然相信我们应该尽力。)

5. 除了作为副词使用外,"however"还可以作为连词使用,在两个句子之间建立关联关系。例如:"I wanted to go to the party, however, I was too tired."(我想去参加派对,但是我太累了。)

6. "however"的同义词包括:nevertheless, nonetheless, yet等。它们都表示转折、对比或让步的意思。

7. "however"也可以用来加强语气,在句子中表示“无论如何”、“不管怎样”。例如:"However hard it may be, we must never give up."(无论多么困难,我们都不能放弃。)

8. "however"的反义词是"however",它表示“无论什么”、“无论多少”。例如:"However much you want, I cannot give it to you."(无论你想要多少,我都不能给你。)

9. 总的来说,"however"是一个常用的转折、对比和让步的词语,在英语写作中经常被用来连接不同观点或句子,并且可以加强语气。熟练掌握它的用法可以使文章更加流畅和有逻辑性


1. however的正确发音是/hɑːvər/,其中“h”发音为清音,“a”发音为长元音,“v”发音为浊辅音,“er”发音为弱元音。

2. 如果你觉得这种发音有点复杂,也可以简化一下,直接读作/həˈvaʊə/,其中“a”发音为短元音,“ou”发音为/dʒ/。

3. 不要把它读作/however/,这是一个常见的错误发音。记住,最后一个字母“r”是弱元音,不要给它太多重读。

4. 如果你想使用however作为转折词,在句子中的位置通常在句首或者句中间。例如:“However, I still believe that we can achieve our goal.” 或者 “I know it's difficult, however, we should not give up.”

5. 除了转折词之外,however也可以用作副词,表示然而、无论如何。例如:“I will finish this project, however long it takes.” 或者 “However hard the task may be, we must try our best.”

6. 在口语中,however也可以被缩写成howevs或者howeves,表示然而、不过的意思。例如:“I know he's not perfect, but howevs, I still love him.” 或者 “We didn't win the game, but howeves, we had a great time.”

7. 总之,在正式场合使用however时,最好还是遵循标准的发音,以免给人留下不专业的印象。但在非正式场合,你可以根据自己的喜好来选择发音方式。无论如何,只要能够清楚表达自己的意思就可以了


1. however的用法


2. however的双语例句

1) However, I still believe that we can achieve our goal if we work together.


2) The weather was cold and rainy; however, we decided to go for a walk.


3) She is a talented writer; however, her book did not sell well.


4) He promised to help me; however, he never showed up.


5) We have made great progress; however, there is still much room for improvement.


6) The exam was difficult; however, I managed to pass it with flying colors.


7) She is very wealthy; however, she leads a simple and humble life.


8) The company's profits have increased; however, the employees' salaries remain the same.


9) I told her not to go out alone at night; however, she didn't listen to me.


10) He was a successful businessman; however, he was not happy with his life.



1. However, nevertheless, nonetheless

- 这三个词都可以表示“然而”,但是它们的用法略有不同。However较为正式,可用于句首或句中,表示转折关系;nevertheless和nonetheless则更常用于句中,表示对前面所说内容的补充或转折。

例如:He is very talented. However, he lacks experience. (他很有才华。然而,他缺乏经验。)

I know it's risky, but I will do it nevertheless. (我知道这很冒险,但我还是会做。)

She was tired; nonetheless, she kept working. (她很累,但她仍然坚持工作。)

2. However, yet

- 这两个词都可以表示“然而”,但是yet更常用于口语中,语气较为随意。

例如:She is a great singer; however, she doesn't have many fans. (她是一位出色的歌手;然而,她没有太多的粉丝。)

I know it's wrong, yet I can't help but do it. (我知道这是错的,可我就是忍不住做了。)

3. However, notwithstanding

- 这两个词都可以表示“尽管如此”,但notwithstanding更为正式、书面。

例如:He failed the exam; however, he didn't give up. (他考试失败了;尽管如此,他没有放弃。)

Notwithstanding the bad weather, the event was still held. (尽管天气不好,活动仍然进行了。)

4. However, nevertheless, yet, still

- 这四个词都可以表示“仍然”,但是它们的用法略有不同。However和nevertheless较为正式,可用于句首或句中;yet和still则更常用于口语中。

例如:I know it's difficult, however/nevertheless/yet/still I will try my best. (我知道这很难,但我会尽力。)

He was tired; however/nevertheless/yet/still he kept working. (他很累,但他仍然坚持工作。)

5. However, no matter how/what/when/where

- 这个词组可以表示“无论怎样、什么、何时、哪里”,强调无论条件如何都要做出某种行动或决定。

例如:However hard you try, you can't change the past. (无论你多努力,也无法改变过去。)

However much I love him, I can't forgive his betrayal. (无论我多爱他,我也无法原谅他的背叛。)

6. However, in any case/event

- 这两个短语都可以表示“无论如何”,强调不管发生什么情况都要做出某种行动或决定。

例如:I have to finish this project by tomorrow in any case/event. (无论如何,我都必须在明天之前完成这个项目。)

However the situation may turn out, we must be prepared. (无论情况如何发展,我们都必须做好准备。)

7. However, no matter

- 这两个词组都可以表示“不管怎样”,但是no matter更常用于口语中。

例如:However hard you try, you can't change the past. (无论你多努力,也无法改变过去。)

No matter how much money you have, it won't buy happiness. (不管你有多少钱,它都不能买到幸福。)

8. However, regardless of

- 这两个词组都可以表示“不管、无论”,但是regardless of更为正式、书面。

例如:However hard I try, I can't seem to lose weight. (无论我多努力,似乎都减不下来。)

Regardless of the outcome, we should be proud of our efforts. (不管结果如何,我们应该为自己的努力感到骄傲。)

9. However, on the other hand

- 这两个短语可以表示“然而、另一方面”,强调对比关系。

例如:I love living in the city; however, on the other hand, it can be quite noisy. (我喜欢住在城市里;然而另一方面,它可能会很吵闹。)

He is very talented; however, on the other hand, he can be quite arrogant. (他很有才华;然而另一方面,他可能会很傲慢。)

10. However, in contrast

- 这两个短语可以表示“然而、相比之下”,强调对比关系。

例如:I thought the movie would be great; however, in contrast, it was quite disappointing. (我以为这部电影会很棒;然而相比之下,它令人失望。)

They are very different; however, in contrast, they get along very well. (他们非常不同;然而相比之下,他们相处得很好。)


1. Nevertheless

- Despite this,

- On the other hand,

- Nonetheless,

- Yet,

- Still,

- In contrast,

- Even so,

2. Yet

- However,

- Nevertheless,

- Nonetheless,

- Still,

- Despite this,

- On the other hand,

- In spite of that,

3. Nonetheless

- However,

- Nevertheless,

- Yet,

- Despite that,

- In spite of this,

- All the same,

- Be that as it may,

4. On the other hand

- However,

- Conversely,

- On the contrary,

- In contrast,

- Whereas,

- Meanwhile,

- Instead,

5. In contrast

- However,

- On the other hand,

- Conversely,

- By comparison,

- While,

- Although,

- Despite this,

6. Regardless

