
生活学习2024-03-11 21:50:58自考教育网




1. "humane"一词的发音为 [hyoo-meyn],其中 "hu" 部分发音为 [hyoo],"mane" 部分发音为 [meyn]。

2. 这个单词的重音在第一个音节上,即 "hu" 部分。

3. "humane"一词起源于拉丁语中的 "humanus",意为 "人类的、人道的"。

4. 在英语中,它通常用作形容词,表示人性化、仁慈、关怀等含义。

5. 与其近义词 "compassionate" 相比,"humane"更强调对人类及其福祉的关注和尊重。

6. 在美国英语中,有时也会将 "humane" 用作名词,指代动物保护组织或机构。

7. 在英式英语中,这个单词也可以表示 "文明的、有教养的" 含义。

8. 除了作为形容词和名词外,在某些专业领域如心理学和医学中,它还可以作为前缀使用。例如:"humanely treat patients"(人道地治疗患者);"the study of human behavior"(研究人类行为)。

9. 由于其含义广泛且易于理解,在日常生活和学术领域都被广泛使用。

10. 总的来说,"humane"一词的发音简单明了,但它所表达的意义却十分丰富和重要。它提醒我们要关注他人、尊重他人,并以温暖和仁慈的态度对待世界



1. 作为形容词,“humane”意思是“人道的”,指对待人或动物的行为具有同情心和关怀。例如,“She is a very humane person, always helping those in need.”(她是一个非常善良的人,总是帮助那些需要帮助的人。)

2. 作为名词,“humane”指代一种价值观和行为准则,即尊重生命、关爱他人和保护弱者的理念。例如,“The organization's main goal is to promote humane treatment of animals.”(该组织的主要目标是推广对动物的人道主义治疗。)

3. “Humane”也可以用来表示某种品质或特点,比如善良、仁慈和宽容。“He showed his humane side by forgiving his enemy.”(他通过原谅他的敌人展现了自己善良的一面。)


1. 什么是"humane"?


2. "humane"与"humanitarian"有何不同?


3. "humane"在现代生活中有哪些用法?

a) 作为形容词使用时,可以用来形容一个人具有同情心、关怀他人和动物。

例如:She is a very humane person and always volunteers at the animal shelter.


b) 也可用来形容一种政策或行为具有人道主义精神。

例如:The government's decision to provide free healthcare for all citizens is a truly humane move.


c) 在某些专业领域,如医学和法律,"humane"也可以用来指代一种对待人或动物的方式,即避免造成不必要的痛苦或伤害。

例如:The humane treatment of prisoners is a basic human right.


4. "humane"与"humorous"有何联系?


5. 怎样运用"humane"来提升自己?


a) 培养同情心:多关注他人和动物的需要,并尝试从他们的角度去理解问题。

b) 做志愿者:参与志愿活动可以让你更加接近社会弱势群体,并为他们带来帮助和温暖。

c) 尊重生命:无论是人还是动物,都应该被平等地对待并给予尊重。

d) 保持善良:无论遇到什么困难,都要保持善良和同情心,这样才能在周围营造出更加和谐的氛围


1. "Humane"的意思是人道的,关心他人的。例如,"He showed a humane attitude towards the homeless man on the street." (他对街上无家可归的人表现出了关怀的态度。)

2. "Humane"也可以指动物或自然界中的某种行为或特质。例如,"The zoo strives to provide a humane environment for their animals." (动物园努力为它们的动物提供一个合乎人道的环境。)

3. "Humane"还可以用作名词,指代一种行为或态度。例如,"Showing kindness and compassion is a sign of true humanity." (表现出善良和同情心是真正人性的标志。)

4. "Inhumane"则相反,指不人道的,残忍的。例如,"The treatment of prisoners in that facility was inhumane." (那个设施对待囚犯的方式是不人道的。)

5. "Humane society"是一个常见词组,指代一个致力于保护动物福利和促进动物权利的组织。例如,"I volunteer at the local humane society every weekend." (我每个周末都在当地的动物保护协会做义工。)

6. "Humanely"是副词形式,表示以一种仁慈、关怀的方式进行某事。例如,"The dog was put down humanely, without any pain." (这只狗被安乐死,没有任何痛苦。)

7. "Humane treatment"指对待某人或某物的仁慈态度。例如,"All prisoners deserve to be treated with humane treatment, regardless of their crimes." (所有囚犯都应该受到仁慈的对待,不论他们犯了什么罪行。)

8. "Humane education"是指通过教育来培养人们对动物和环境的关注和保护意识。例如,"Many schools now include humane education in their curriculum." (现在许多学校都在课程中加入了动物保护教育。)

9. "Humane slaughter"是指以一种尊重动物福利的方式屠宰动物。例如,"The company prides itself on using humane slaughter methods for their livestock." (该公司以使用尊重动物福利的方法屠宰牲畜而自豪。)

10. "Humane law enforcement"是指执行法律时考虑到动物福利和权利的做法。例如,"The police department has a special division for humane law enforcement." (警察局设有一个专门负责动物保护执法的部门。)


1. Compassionate

- Definition: Showing compassion or sympathy towards others, especially those who are suffering

- Example: The organization provides humane treatment to animals in need.

2. Benevolent

- Definition: Kind and generous towards others, especially those in need

- Example: The volunteers showed their benevolent nature by providing humane aid to the victims of the disaster.

3. Merciful

- Definition: Showing mercy or forgiveness towards others, especially those who have done wrong

- Example: The judge showed a humane side by giving a merciful sentence to the first-time offender.

4. Gentle

- Definition: Having a mild and kind nature; not harsh or violent

- Example: The caregiver showed a humane approach in handling the elderly patients with gentleness and care.

5. Empathetic

- Definition: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others; showing empathy

- Example: The therapist's empathetic approach helped the patient feel more at ease during their session.

6. Humanitarian

- Definition: Concerned with promoting human welfare and happiness; showing kindness towards others

- Example: The organization's mission is to provide humanitarian assistance to refugees in war-torn countries.

7. Altruistic

- Definition: Showing selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish

- Example: The group of volunteers showed their altruistic nature by providing humane aid to the homeless community.

8. Generous

- Definition: Willing to give or share; showing generosity

- Example: The company's generous donation helped provide humane living conditions for impoverished families.

9. Tenderhearted

- Definition: Having a kind and sympathetic nature; easily moved by emotions

- Example: The teacher's tenderhearted approach helped her students feel comfortable opening up about their struggles.

10. Philanthropic

- Definition: Seeking to promote the welfare of others through generous donations or efforts; charitable

- Example: The philanthropic organization works towards providing humane living conditions for underprivileged communities

