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The pronunciation of "humid"

1. What does "humid" mean?

Humid is an adjective that describes an atmosphere or environment that contains a high amount of moisture or water vapor. It is often used to describe a feeling of dampness or stickiness in the air.


2. How do you pronounce "humid"?

"Humid" is pronounced as /ˈhjuːmɪd/, with the stress on the first syllable. The "h" at the beginning is silent, so it sounds like "yoo-mid".

3. Synonyms for "humid"

- Moist: containing a high level of moisture

- Damp: slightly wet, often in an unpleasant way

- Muggy: hot and humid, causing discomfort

- Sultry: hot and humid, often with a feeling of oppression

4. Example sentences using "humid"

- The weather forecast predicts a humid day tomorrow.

- The air in the greenhouse was warm and humid.

- I hate going outside when it's so humid – my hair gets frizzy.

- The tropical climate can be quite humid, but it's perfect for growing certain fruits and vegetables.

5. Tips for dealing with humidity

- Use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels in your home during hot and humid weather.

- Wear light, breathable clothing to stay comfortable in high humidity.

- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water when it's humid outside.

- Avoid outdoor activities during peak hours when humidity levels are at their highest.

In conclusion, "humid" is a common word used to describe an environment that has a high level of moisture. Its pronunciation may seem tricky at first, but with practice, you'll be able to say it confidently. Remember to stay cool and hydrated during hot and humid days!

How to say "humid"

1. What does "humid" mean?

Humid is an adjective that describes an atmospheric condition where there is a high amount of water vapor or moisture in the air. It is often associated with a feeling of dampness or stickiness in the air.

2. How do you pronounce "humid"?

The word "humid" is pronounced as /ˈhjuːmɪd/, with the stress on the first syllable. The "h" is silent, so it sounds like "yoom-id".

3. Synonyms for "humid"

- Moist: having a high level of moisture, similar to humid but can also refer to wetness on surfaces.

- Damp: slightly wet, often used to describe a feeling of moisture in the air or on surfaces.

- Muggy: hot and humid, with a feeling of discomfort due to the high levels of moisture in the air.

- Sultry: hot and humid, with a heavy and oppressive feeling in the air.

4. Example sentences using "humid"

- The weather forecast predicts that it will be hot and humid tomorrow.

- The humidity was so high that my hair became frizzy and my clothes felt sticky.

- We couldn't go outside because it was too muggy and uncomfortable.

- The sultry weather made it difficult for us to enjoy our vacation.

5. Tips for dealing with humid weather

- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

- Wear light and breathable clothing to avoid feeling too hot and sticky.

- Use a dehumidifier or air conditioner to reduce humidity levels indoors.

- Avoid strenuous activities during peak hours when it's hottest and most humid outside.

In conclusion, "humid" refers to an atmospheric condition with high levels of water vapor, pronounced as /ˈhjuːmɪd/, can be replaced by synonyms such as moist, damp, muggy, and sultry, and can cause discomfort and inconvenience in hot and humid weather. To cope with humid weather, it is important to stay hydrated, wear appropriate clothing, and use appliances to reduce humidity levels

Usage and examples of "humid"

1. Definition of "humid"

Humid is an adjective that describes the presence of moisture or water vapor in the air. It is often used to describe weather conditions, specifically when the air feels damp and sticky.

2. How to pronounce "humid"

The word "humid" is pronounced as hyoo-mid, with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "humid"

- Moist: This word also describes a high level of moisture in the air.

- Damp: Similar to humid, this word also implies a feeling of wetness in the air.

- Muggy: This word specifically refers to a combination of heat and humidity, making the air feel uncomfortable and sticky.

- Sultry: This word describes a hot and humid climate, often associated with tropical regions.

4. Examples of using "humid"

- The summer in this city is very humid, making it difficult to stay cool even in the shade.

- The humidity level in this room is too high, we need to turn on the dehumidifier.

- The weather forecast predicts a hot and humid day tomorrow.

- The tropical rainforest has a consistently humid climate throughout the year.

5. Common collocations with "humid"

- Humid weather/climate

- Humidity level/index

- High/low humidity

- Humidity control/management

6. Idioms related to "humid"

- Sweat like a pig: This idiom means to sweat excessively due to heat or humidity.

Example: It's so humid today, I'm sweating like a pig!

- In hot water: This idiom means being in trouble or facing difficulties.

Example: With such high levels of humidity, we're all going to be in hot water if we don't find a way to cool down.

7. Usage notes for "humid"

Humidity levels can have various effects on our daily lives, such as affecting our health, comfort, and even the growth of plants. High humidity can also lead to mold and mildew growth, while low humidity can cause dry skin and respiratory problems.

In addition, humid conditions can also affect certain materials like paper, wood, and electronics. It is important to monitor and control humidity levels in different environments to prevent damage or discomfort.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, "humid" is a commonly used word to describe the presence of moisture in the air. It has various synonyms that can be used interchangeably depending on the context. Understanding the meaning and usage of this word can help us better navigate different weather conditions and environments

Phrases with "humid"

1. "Humid" is an adjective that describes the level of moisture in the air. It refers to an environment that is damp or moist.

2. "Humid" can also be used as a verb, meaning to make something damp or moist. For example, "The rain humidified the dry soil."

3. Synonyms for "humid" include muggy, damp, moist, and sticky.

4. Examples of using "humid" in phrases:

- The air was so humid that I could barely breathe.

- My hair gets frizzy in this humid weather.

- The humidity in this room is making it hard to concentrate.

- We need to use a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity in our basement.

- The tropical climate is known for its hot and humid weather.

- The humidity level has reached 90%, making it feel like a sauna outside.

- The humid conditions are perfect for growing certain types of plants.

- I hate how my clothes feel sticky and uncomfortable in this humid weather.

- The humidity makes my skin break out, so I always carry blotting papers with me.

- The humidity can cause mold and mildew to grow in poorly ventilated areas.

5. Other phrases related to humidity:

- Humidity index: A measurement of the amount of water vapor present in the air.

- Humidity control: Methods used to regulate and maintain a desired level of moisture in an environment.

- Humidity sensor: A device that measures and detects the amount of water vapor present in the air.

- Humidity chamber: A controlled environment used for testing materials under different levels of moisture.

In conclusion, "humid" is a word commonly used to describe an environment that is damp or moist. It can also be used as a verb and has various synonyms such as muggy, damp, and moist. There are many phrases related to humidity that are commonly used in everyday language

Synonyms for "humid" with examples

1. Definition and pronunciation of "humid"

- Humid (adjective): containing a high amount of water vapor in the air.

- Pronunciation: /ˈhjuːmɪd/

2. Synonyms for "humid"

- Moist: damp or slightly wet, often used to describe the air.

Example: The humid air made it difficult to breathe.

- Muggy: hot and humid, often making the air feel heavy and uncomfortable.

Example: It's so muggy outside, I can't wait to go inside and cool off.

- Sultry: hot and humid, often with a feeling of sexual heat or intensity.

Example: The sultry evening made it hard to sleep without a fan.

- Steamy: very hot and humid, often with a sense of passion or intensity.

Example: The steamy jungle was filled with exotic plants and animals.

- Oppressive: extremely hot and humid, often making it difficult to breathe.

Example: The oppressive heat made it impossible to go outside without sweating.

3. Examples of usage

- The weather forecast predicted that it would be hot and humid all week.

- After the storm, the air was thick and moist, making everything feel sticky.

- The tropical climate is known for its sultry nights and steamy days.

- I hate going for a run in this muggy weather, I always end up drenched in sweat!

- The oppressive humidity in the room made it hard for us to concentrate on our work.

In conclusion, "humid" can be described as moist, muggy, sultry, steamy or oppressive depending on the level of water vapor in the air. These synonyms can help you add variety to your writing and accurately convey the feeling of high humidity. Remember to stay hydrated during those hot and humid days!

In summary, "humid" is a commonly used word to describe the level of moisture in the air. It is pronounced as "hyoo-mid" and can be used in various phrases and expressions to convey a feeling of dampness or stickiness. As an editor of this website, I hope you have found this article informative and helpful. If you enjoyed reading it, please consider following me for more interesting articles on language and vocabulary. Thank you for your attention!
