
生活学习2024-03-11 22:14:58自考教育网




1. Humor这个单词的发音是[hjuːmə],其中h开头的字母是不发音的,因此读起来就像是“you”和“more”的结合。

2. 如果你觉得这个发音有点难记,可以试着把它拆分成两部分,h和umour(英式英语中的幽默),然后再把它们连起来。

3. 有趣的是,humor这个单词本身就带有一种幽默感,因为它和“human”(人类)有着相似的发音。

4. 在英语中,humor除了指“幽默”之外,还可以用来表示“幽默感”或者“风趣”,所以在使用时要根据具体情况来理解。

5. 如果你想要表达自己很擅长制造幽默感,可以说“I have a great sense of humor.”(我有很强的幽默感)。

6. 除了作为名词使用外,在动词形式中,humor可以表示“迁就”或者“迎合”,例如“I don't want to humor his bad behavior.”(我不想迁就他的坏行为)。

7. 总的来说,humor这个单词可能看起来很简单,但实际上有着丰富多彩的含义和用法,希望你在学习英语的过程中能够发挥出它的幽默魅力



1. 幽默的定义


2. 幽默的功效



3. 幽默与智慧


4. 幽默并非只属于天生


5. 幽默的局限性




1. Humor的含义


2. Humor的相关词汇

- humorous:形容诙谐幽默的

- wit:智慧、机智;善于说笑话的人

- joke:笑话、玩笑

- comedy:喜剧、滑稽戏剧

3. Humor在句子中的用法

a. 作为名词:

- She has a great sense of humor.(她有很强的幽默感。)

- The movie was full of humor and made us laugh out loud.(这部电影充满了幽默,让我们哈哈大笑。)

b. 作为动词:

- He always knows how to humor his friends when they are feeling down.(当他朋友情绪低落时,他总是知道如何逗他们开心。)

- The comedian's job is to humor the audience and make them laugh.(喜剧演员的工作就是逗观众开心并让他们笑。)

4. Humor的用法注意事项

- 在英语中,humor通常用作不可数名词,因此不需要加复数形式。

- 当humor用作动词时,常与介词with连用,表示“迎合、取悦”之意。

- 当humor用作名词时,常与形容词great、good等连用,表示幽默感的强弱程度。

5. Humor的例句

a. 他总是有办法逗我开心。

He always knows how to humor me.

b. 这部电影充满了幽默,让我们哈哈大笑。

The movie was full of humor and made us laugh out loud.

c. 她有很强的幽默感,经常让我们捧腹大笑。

She has a great sense of humor and often makes us burst into laughter.

d. 他善于利用幽默来缓解紧张的气氛。

He is good at using humor to ease tense situations.

e. 这位演员总是能够逗得观众捧腹大笑。

This actor always knows how to humor the audience and make them laugh


1. "Cracking jokes" - 开玩笑,说笑话

2. "Having a good sense of humor" - 具有幽默感

3. "Making light of a situation" - 将情况轻松化,用幽默来缓和局势

4. "Busting someone's chops" - 开某人的玩笑,捉弄某人

5. "Killing it with laughter" - 让人哈哈大笑,把人逗乐

6. "Punny" - 用双关语或俏皮话制造幽默效果的人或事物

7. "ROFL" (rolling on the floor laughing) - 笑得在地上打滚,表示非常搞笑的情况

8. "Sarcasm" - 讽刺,挖苦他人的话语或行为

9. "Joking aside" - 开玩笑归开玩笑,说正经的事情吧

10. "LOL" (laughing out loud) - 大声大笑,表示觉得很好笑


1. Comedy - This term refers to anything that is intended to be humorous or amusing. It can also describe a genre of entertainment that focuses on making people laugh.

2. Wit - This word describes someone who is clever and quick with their humor. It can also refer to a clever remark or joke.

3. Amusement - This term refers to anything that is entertaining or enjoyable, often in a lighthearted way.

4. Joke - A joke is a short story or phrase that is meant to be funny and make people laugh.

5. Satire - This term refers to the use of humor, irony, or exaggeration to criticize and expose the flaws of society or individuals.

6. Wisecrack - A wisecrack is a clever and often sarcastic remark or joke.

7. Banter - Banter is playful and witty conversation between people, often involving teasing and joking around.

8. Humorousness - This word describes the quality of being funny or amusing.

9. Levity - Levity refers to lightness and humor in speech, behavior, or attitude.

10. Hilarity - Hilarity describes extreme amusement and laughter, often in a noisy and unrestrained way.

11. Comical - Something that is comical is funny in an exaggerated or absurd way.

12. Laughter - Laughter refers to the sound made when someone finds something funny.

13. Gag - A gag is a practical joke or prank played on someone for humorous effect.

14. Drollness - Drollness describes a type of dry humor that is odd, whimsical, or unexpected.

15. Farce - A farce is a type of comedy characterized by exaggerated situations and slapstick humor.

16. Whimsy - Whimsy refers to playful and fanciful ideas or behavior that can be amusing and lighthearted.

17. Irony- Irony is the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal meaning, often for humorous effect.

18. Parody - A parody is a humorous imitation of something, often exaggerating its features for comedic effect.

19. Sarcasm - Sarcasm refers to the use of irony to mock or convey contempt, often in a humorous way.

20. Waggishness - This word describes someone who is playful and mischievous in a humorous way.

21. Mirth - Mirth refers to amusement and laughter, often accompanied by joy and happiness.

22. Jocularity - Jocularity refers to joking and humor in a light-hearted and cheerful manner.

23. Comedy of Errors - This term refers to a type of comedy that involves mistaken identities, misunderstandings, and other errors for comedic effect.

24. Quip - A quip is a clever or witty remark or joke.

25. Hysterics - Hysterics refer to uncontrollable laughter or emotional outbursts caused by something funny or amusing.

26. Prankishness - This word describes someone who enjoys playing pranks and being mischievous in a playful way.

27. Buffoonery - Buffoonery refers to behavior that is silly, clownish, or ridiculous for comedic effect.

28. Mockery - Mockery involves making fun of someone or something in an exaggerated or scornful way for comedic effect.

29. Whoopee- Whoopee refers to loud and exuberant laughter, often accompanied by excitement and joy.

30. Guffaw- A guffaw is a loud burst of laughter that can be uncontrollable and boisterous.

31. Zany- Something that is zany is comical in an eccentric or unconventional way.

32. Roast- A roast is an event where people gather to make fun of someone in a good-natured way for comedic effect.

33. Prank- A prank is a playful and often mischievous trick or practical joke.

34. Jocular- Jocular describes someone who is humorous and fond of joking around.

35. Hilarity- This word describes extreme amusement and laughter, often in a noisy and unrestrained way.

36. Waggery- Waggery refers to playful and mischievous behavior that can be amusing to others.

37. Silliness- Silliness refers to behavior that is foolish, ridiculous, or absurd in a humorous way.

38. Jest- A jest is a playful or humorous remark or action.

39. Ridicule- Ridicule involves making fun of someone or something in an exaggerated or mocking way for comedic effect.

40. Hilariousness- This word describes the quality of being very funny and causing a lot of laughter.

41. Comicality - Comicality refers to the quality of being comical, often involving absurdity or exaggeration for comedic effect.

42. Playfulness - Playfulness refers to the quality of being lively, fun-loving, and full of humor.

43. Wittiness - Wittiness describes the ability to think quickly and cleverly in a humorous way.

44. Glee - Glee refers to great delight and joy, often accompanied by laughter and excitement.

45. Lightheartedness - Lightheartedness refers to having a carefree and cheerful attitude, often involving humor.

46. Banterer - A banterer is someone who engages in playful and witty conversation, often involving teasing and joking around.

47. Joker - A joker is someone who likes to make jokes and be funny in an entertaining way.

48. Clowning - Clowning involves behaving in a silly or comical manner for entertainment purposes.

49. Humorousness - This word describes the quality of being funny or amusing.

50. Whimsicality - Whimsicality refers to the quality of being fanciful and playful, often involving humor and imagination

