
生活学习2024-03-11 22:22:52自考教育网



1. Humo的含义



2. Humo的词源


3. Humo在不同语言中的同义词

- 英语:smoke

- 法语:fumée

- 德语:Rauch

- 意大利语:fumo

- 葡萄牙语:fumaça

4. Humo的例句

- La ciudad estaba cubierta de humo debido a un gran incendio.


- El humo del cigarrillo me hace toser.


- No confíes en él, siempre está rodeado de humo y no puedes saber lo que realmente piensa.


5. Humo的引申含义


- Sus palabras eran solo humo, no decía nada concreto.


- La promoción es solo humo, no hay ningún beneficio real.


- No te dejes engañar por su apariencia, todo eso es solo humo.













1. His jokes always have a touch of Humo in them.(他的笑话总是带有幽默感。)

2. The comedian's Humo was well received by the audience.(这位喜剧演员的幽默感受到了观众们的欢迎。)

3. She has a natural talent for Humo and can make anyone laugh.(她天生就有幽默天赋,能让任何人开怀大笑。)

4. The movie had a good balance of action and Humo.(这部电影在动作和幽默方面保持了很好的平衡。)

5. His sarcasm was mistaken for Humo, causing some awkward moments.(他的讽刺被误认为是幽默,导致了一些尴尬的时刻。)


1. Smoke - "Humo" is the Spanish word for "smoke." For example, "The room was filled with humo from the burning fire."

2. Vapor - Another synonym for "humo" is "vapor." It can refer to any type of gas or mist, such as steam or smoke. For instance, "The humidifier released a thick humo into the air."

3. Fume - This word can also be used as a synonym for "humo," particularly when referring to strong or unpleasant odors. For example, "The chemicals emitted a toxic fume that could be harmful if inhaled."

4. Haze - When there is a thick layer of humo in the air, it can create a hazy or foggy appearance. For instance, "The city was covered in a dense humo haze due to pollution."

5. Mist - Similar to vapor, mist can also be used as a synonym for "humo." It often refers to a fine spray or fog, such as from waterfalls or humidifiers. For example, "The morning air was filled with a light mist of humo from the nearby factory."

6. Smog - This term is often used to describe the combination of smoke and fog in urban areas. It comes from the words "smoke" and "fog," and can be seen as another synonym for "humo." For instance, "The city was blanketed in thick smog due to heavy traffic and industrial emissions."

7. Exhaust - When vehicles release gases into the air, it can create exhaust which is another word for humo. For example, "The car's exhaust emitted black humo into the atmosphere."

8. Haze - Similar to smog, haze refers to a mixture of smoke and other particles that create an opaque layer in the air. It can also be used interchangeably with "humo." For instance, "The haze from the forest fire made it difficult to see through the humo."

9. Cloud - In some contexts, "humo" can be used to describe a cloud-like formation in the air. It can refer to both natural and man-made clouds, such as smoke clouds from a fire or exhaust clouds from a plane. For example, "The humo from the volcano formed a thick cloud over the city."

10. Plume - This word can be used as a synonym for "humo," particularly when referring to a column of smoke or gas rising into the air. For instance, "The factory's chimneys released thick plumes of humo into the sky."



1. "Humo"的意思是什么?

- "Humo"是西班牙语中的一个词,意为“烟雾”或“烟气”。它也可以用来形容某种物质产生的轻烟或薄雾。

2. 如何正确读音"Humo"?

- "Humo"的发音为[oo-moh],其中“oo”发音类似于英语单词“too”的“oo”,而“moh”发音类似于英语单词“mow”的“ow”。

3. Humo的同义词有哪些?

- “Humo”的同义词包括:“fumaça”(葡萄牙语), “smog”(英语), “neblina”(西班牙语)等。它们都指代一种轻烟或薄雾。

4. Humo的例句有哪些?

- “La habitación estaba llena de humo después de que se incendió la cocina.”(厨房着火后,房间里充满了烟雾。)

- “El humo de los cigarrillos me molesta mucho.”(香烟的烟雾让我很不舒服。)

5. 常用搭配词组:

- "humo negro":黑烟,指某物产生的浓重黑色烟雾。

- "humo blanco":白烟,指某物产生的轻薄白色烟雾。

- "humo denso":浓烟,指某物产生的密集浓厚的烟雾。

- "humo tóxico":有毒烟雾,指某种物质产生的有害气体。

- "humo de cigarro":香烟烟雾,指从香烟中冒出的烟雾。

- "humo de incendio":火灾烟雾,指火灾现场产生的大量黑色浓厚的烟雾

