
生活学习2024-03-11 22:46:28自考教育网


What is the meaning of hunger?

Do you ever feel like your stomach is growling and you just can't seem to satisfy your hunger? Well, that's because hunger is a powerful sensation that we all experience. But what exactly does it mean?

1. The definition of hunger


Hunger is a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with a strong desire to eat. It is a natural response to our body's need for nourishment and energy.

2. How to pronounce "hunger"

In case you were wondering, "hunger" is pronounced as "HUHNG-ger". So next time you're discussing your cravings with your friends, you can impress them with your pronunciation skills.

3. Synonyms for hunger

There are many ways to describe the feeling of hunger. Some common synonyms include appetite, craving, and ravenousness. You can also say that you're famished, starving, or even hangry (hungry + angry).

4. Examples of using "hunger" in a sentence

- After skipping breakfast this morning, I'm feeling intense hunger right now.

- The smell of freshly baked bread always triggers my hunger.

- Many people around the world suffer from chronic hunger due to poverty and food insecurity.

- I have such a sweet tooth that I can never resist my hunger for dessert.

So next time someone asks you what the meaning of "hunger" is, you'll have the perfect answer! Just remember that it's not just a physical sensation but also an emotional one that drives us to seek sustenance. And let's not forget the importance of satisfying our cravings with delicious food!

How do you pronounce hunger?

Hunger is a noun that refers to the physical sensation of needing or wanting food, or the lack of food in general. It can also be used to describe a strong desire or craving for something.


The word "hunger" is pronounced as "HUHNG-ger" with the stress on the first syllable. The "ng" sound is similar to the one in words like "singer" and "finger".


1. Appetite: This word refers specifically to the desire for food and can be used interchangeably with hunger.

Example: After skipping breakfast, I had a big appetite by lunchtime.

2. Craving: This word can be used to describe a strong desire for a specific type of food.

Example: I have a craving for chocolate cake right now.

3. Starvation: This refers to extreme hunger caused by not having enough food for a prolonged period of time.

Example: The refugees were suffering from starvation after being stranded without food for days.

4. Famished: This is an adjective that means extremely hungry.

Example: After hiking all day, we were famished and couldn't wait to eat dinner.

5. Pangs of hunger: This phrase is often used to describe sudden feelings of intense hunger.

Example: As soon as I smelled the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread, my pangs of hunger hit me.


1. The homeless man begged for money on the street corner, his hunger evident in his sunken cheeks and bony frame.

2. After fasting for 24 hours, she felt intense hunger pains in her stomach.

3. The children in the village suffered from chronic hunger due to poverty and lack of resources.

4. As soon as she saw the mouth-watering spread on the table, her hunger got the best of her and she couldn't resist taking a bite.

5. The long line at the food bank was a testament to the widespread hunger in the community.

In conclusion, hunger is a basic human need and can have serious consequences if not satisfied. It is important to be aware of and address issues of hunger in our communities and around the world. Remember to pronounce it as "HUHNG-ger" and use it correctly in your daily conversations

Examples and usage of hunger

1. What does hunger mean?

Hunger refers to the physical sensation of wanting or needing food. It is a basic human need and natural drive that motivates us to seek out nourishment.

2. How do you pronounce hunger?

Hunger is pronounced as "HUHNG-ger" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for hunger

Other words that can be used to describe hunger include appetite, craving, desire, and longing. These words all convey a strong desire or need for food.

4. Examples of hunger in a sentence

- After hours of hiking, we were all feeling the pangs of hunger.

- The sight and smell of freshly baked bread triggered my hunger.

- Many people in developing countries suffer from chronic hunger due to poverty and lack of resources.

- The children's stomachs growled with hunger as they waited in line for their daily meal at the orphanage.

5. Hunger as a metaphor

Aside from its literal meaning, "hunger" can also be used as a metaphor to describe a strong desire or yearning for something other than food. For example:

- The artist had an insatiable hunger for success and recognition.

- She had a deep hunger for knowledge and constantly sought out new learning opportunities.

- His thirst for adventure could not be quenched; he had an unrelenting hunger for new experiences.

In conclusion, "hunger" not only refers to our physical need for sustenance but can also be used figuratively to express our intense desires and cravings in life

Phrases with hunger

1. Starving with hunger

- 同义词:Famished, ravenous, starving, dying of hunger, famishing

- 例句:After days of not eating, he was famished with hunger and couldn't wait to dig into the meal.

2. Hunger for knowledge

- 同义词:Thirst for knowledge, craving for knowledge, yearning for knowledge

- 例句:She had a constant hunger for knowledge and would spend hours reading books on various subjects.

3. Hunger pangs

- 同义词:Hunger pains, stomach growling

- 例句:Her stomach was growling with hunger pangs as she waited for her lunch break.

4. Hunger strike

- 同义词:Fasting, protest fast

- 例句:The activists went on a hunger strike to protest against the government's decision.

5. Hunger games

- 同义词:Survival games, battle royale games

- 例句:The popular book series "The Hunger Games" was turned into a successful movie franchise.

6. Satisfy one's hunger

- 同义词:Quench one's hunger, satiate one's appetite

- 例句:After a long day at work, he went to his favorite restaurant to satisfy his hunger with a hearty meal.

7. The hungry masses

- 同义词:Starving population, famished crowd

- 例句: The government needs to take action to help the hungry masses who are suffering from poverty and famine.

8. A burning hunger

- 同义词: Intense craving, insatiable desire

- 例句: She had a burning hunger for success and worked tirelessly to achieve her goals.

9. Feed one's hunger

- 同义词: Satisfy one's craving, fulfill one's desire

- 例句: He turned to junk food to feed his hunger for comfort and ended up gaining weight.

10. Hunger pains in the stomach

- 同义词: Stomach cramps, abdominal discomfort

- 例句: The hunger pains in her stomach were so intense that she couldn't focus on anything else

Synonyms and examples of hunger

1. Definition of Hunger

Hunger is a physical sensation and a natural physiological drive to consume food. It is the feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food and can also refer to the need or desire for food.

2. Synonyms of Hunger

- Appetite: This refers to the desire for food and can also be used synonymously with hunger.

- Craving: This is a strong desire for a specific type of food.

- Famishment: This term is often used to describe extreme hunger or starvation.

- Starvation: This refers to the state of severe hunger where an individual's body is deprived of essential nutrients.

- Voracity: This term describes an intense, insatiable hunger.

3. Examples of Hunger

- The children in the impoverished village were suffering from severe hunger due to lack of access to food.

- After running a marathon, I experienced intense hunger and immediately grabbed a snack.

- The dieter tried to ignore her hunger pangs, but eventually gave in and had a small meal.

- The refugees were in desperate need of aid as they were facing starvation and extreme hunger.

- The smell of freshly baked bread triggered my craving for it, even though I wasn't actually hungry.

4. Conclusion

Hunger is a basic human need that drives us to seek out nourishment. It can manifest in different ways, from mild appetite to extreme starvation. Understanding its synonyms and examples can help us better understand this primal sensation

In conclusion, hunger is a basic human need for food and nourishment. It is a feeling that everyone experiences and can be caused by various factors such as poverty, illness, or lack of access to food. Remember to always pronounce it as "huhng-ger" and use it in your daily vocabulary to express your desire for food. Additionally, here are some phrases and synonyms you can use to spice up your language: "I have a ravenous hunger," "I'm famished," or "I have an insatiable appetite." Keep exploring different ways to express your hunger and make sure to stay healthy by satisfying it with nutritious meals.

As the editor of this website, I hope this article has provided you with valuable information about the meaning and usage of hunger. If you enjoyed reading this piece, don't forget to follow me for more interesting language tips and tricks. Thank you for being a part of our community and happy learning!
