rubiaceous是什么意思 rubiaceous的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2023-10-06 09:58:18book

‘rubiaceous’中文意思为茜草科的,是一个形容词。该词常用于植物学,用于描述属于茜草科的植物。例如,“这些植物都是茜草科的,它们的叶子和花朵都很漂亮。” ‘rubiaceous’也可以作为名词,“rubiaceous plants”表示茜草科植物。该词的发音为 /rubies/。

常见的词组搭配:rubiaceous plants(茜草科植物)、rubiaceous shrubs(茜草科灌木)、rubiaceous herbs(茜草科草本)、rubiaceous trees(茜草科树木)等。





例句:But Jessica Alba did rub my furry belly. (But Jessica Alba did rub my furry belly.)


例句:Penny, rub Vicks on my chest. (Penny啊 Penny, 帮我在胸上抹药膏 rub Vicks on my chest.)


rubiaceous一般作为形容词使用,如在rubiaceous plant([网络] 红宝石植物)、rubiaceous plants([网络] 红宝石植物\n(rubiaceous plant 的复数))、rubiaceous type(茜草科型(气孔))等常见短语中出现较多。

rubiaceous plant [网络] 红宝石植物
rubiaceous plants [网络] 红宝石植物\n(rubiaceous plant 的复数)
rubiaceous type 茜草科型(气孔)


1. I did it to protect us all. (翻译:而是为了保护大家 I did it to protect us all.)

2. I shall set the GPS to take us straight to the Paris. (翻译:I shall set the GPS to take us straight to the Paris.)

3. Rub the angry out of the tummy. (翻译:揉揉肚子就不生气了啊 Rub the angry out of the tummy.)

4. Now go to the bathroom, hit a stall, and rub one out to that. (翻译:Now go to the bathroom, hit a 锁上门,好好打一枪 stall, and rub one out to that.)

5. Are you Nathan Zimmerman, CEO of Flingual? I… (翻译:Are you Nathan Zimmerman, CEO of Flingual?)

6. I think Pig wants to join us. (翻译:I think Pig wants to join us.)

7. I agree that somebody got the better of us. (翻译:Okay. I agree that somebody got the better of us.)

8. I rub my fingers with it every morning. (翻译:我每天早上都用它磨手 I rub my fingers with it every morning.)

9. I get us into these situations, and I freak, (翻译:每次陷于这种境地我就急得发疯 I get us into these situations, and I freak,)

10. I want us to be strong together. (翻译:I want us to be strong together.)

11. I used to rub bourbon on Denny’s gums. (翻译:我也曾经往丹尼的口香糖上 抹波旁威士忌酒啊)

12. I-I think he wants us to pull over. (翻译:也许他想让我们停车 I… I think he wants us to pull over.)

13. No, I mean do it to us on another website. (翻译:I mean do it to us on another website.)

14. – I said a lot of things to keep us alive. (翻译:-I heard you. -I said a lot of things to keep us alive.)

15. and rub elbows with corrupt men, never make the mistake of thinking that I am corruptible. (翻译:跟的人们摩肩接踵 and rub elbows with corrupt men, 但永远都不要幻想我会被你们腐蚀 never make the mistake of thinking that I am corruptible.)

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