papertsian是什么意思 papertsian的中文翻译、读音、例句

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papertsian是什么意思 papertsian的中文翻译、读音、例句


例句:Milos Lesikar of the Association of Pulp and Paper Industry told CTK … (泽曼Lesikar协会的 制浆造纸工业 对细胞素 … )


例句:Woodfree Printing Paper; (印刷纸; )


papertsian一般作为名词使用,如在Papertsian([网络] 纸张)等常见短语中出现较多。

Papertsian [网络] 纸张


1. Primatech Paper… Odessa, Texas. (翻译:Primatech纸业 Odessa 德克萨斯)

2. Research progress on biologically active materials and their functions of mungbeans was reviewed in this pAper. (翻译:综述了绿豆生物活性物质及功能的研究进展。)

3. I wiped the Scissors card clean and put blood on the Paper card. (翻译:我先把剪刀牌上的血清掉 接着把大叔的血沾在布牌上)

4. The Company is a professional production of “EPE EPE, Paper, Paper Angle, Paper Pallet” and other series of packaging materials company. (翻译:本公司是一专业生产“EPE珍珠棉、纸塑、护角纸、纸栈板”等系列包装材料的公司。)

5. Paper said Pat Garrett tracked me down. (翻译:报纸上说,派特加瑞特正在追缉我 [PatGarrett,最终将比利杀死/放走的警长])

6. We had a White Paper when they called election. (翻译:都写好了 可惜大选了 We had a White Paper when they called election.)

7. OPHI Working Paper 38, July 2010. (翻译:OPHI工作论文38,xx年xx月。)

8. Then do it like this… and we have a Paper Bun. (翻译:我们只要把这张纸 这样 一个纸鸡包就完成了)

9. Oh, I’m just typing up a funeral notice. (翻译:we put one in the paper.)

10. Oiled Paper Umbrella have got auctorial signature. (翻译:每把上面都有作者的亲笔签名。)

11. Paper company’s just a front. (翻译:他们储藏可以摧毁世界的病毒的地方 造纸厂只是个幌子)

12. We had this case coming up, so, you know, (翻译:正好要交篇论文 又遇到这个案子 Had a paper due. We had this case coming up, so, you know,)

13. What he could be faulted for was the initial maneuvres and the material condition of the Tsi Yuen. (翻译:方伯谦可能被指责之处是一开始的操舰以及发生在济远的实际情况。)

14. These data suggest that TSI may be a separate clinical entity with unique prognostic implications. (翻译:这些数据提示TSI可能是唯一可以预测预后的的临床过程。)

15. It is announced as government policy within three months, with a White Paper in a year. (翻译:当然 但在3个月内要宣布为政策 It is announced as government policy within three months xx年内发布 时间挺充裕的 And a white paper in 1 year)

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