Uria是什么意思 Uria的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2023-06-04 18:12:04book

‘Uria’不是任何一个国家的语言,它实际上是拉丁语中的一个词汇,意为“海鸟”。在生物学、鸟类学等领域,’Uria’通常用于指代一类海鸟,比如黑喉海雀(Uria aalge)。

Uria是什么意思 Uria的读音、翻译、用法


1. Uria aalge是北极圈内最为普遍的海鸟之一。(Uria aalge is one of the most common seabirds in the Arctic Circle.)

2. Uria lomvia的平均寿命为xx年。(The average lifespan of Uria lomvia is 20 years.)

3. 北极海雀(Uria spp.)通常在冬季迁徙至南部地区。(Arctic Auks (Uria spp.) typically migrate to southern regions in the winter.)

4. 巨嘴海雀(Uria hyperborea)是北极海域中的一种常见鸟类。(The Thick-billed Murre (Uria hyperborea) is a common bird species in Arctic waters.)

5. Uria aalge和Uria lomvia在外形上非常相似。(Uria aalge and Uria lomvia are very similar in appearance.)

6. 巨嘴海雀(Uria hyperborea)是一种繁殖于北极地区的鸟类。(The Thick-billed Murre (Uria hyperborea) is a bird species that breeds in the Arctic region.)

7. Uria lomvia繁殖季节会聚集在岩石悬崖上的鸟类群落中。(Uria lomvia gathers in colonies on rocky cliffs during the breeding season.)

8. 北极海雀的食物主要是小型鱼类和甲壳类动物。(The diet of Arctic Auks mainly consists of small fish and crustaceans.)

9. Uria aalge和Uria lomvia都是重要的捕鱼和海上石油开采地区的指示物种。(Uria aalge and Uria lomvia are both indicative species in important fishing and offs oil extraction areas.)

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