schedule outage是什么意思 schedule outage的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2023-06-04 18:22:30book

schedule outage的中文解释是”划停机”,还有指按计划进行换料和检修而安排的停机的意思,在线发音:[scheduleoutage],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到58个与schedule outage相关的例句。

schedule outage是什么意思 schedule outage的中文翻译、读音、例句

Schedule outage的翻译


例句:- No.. my work schedule I’ll have to adjust my schedule according to your flight timings (。我的工作时间表 我必须根据您的航班时间 调整我的工作日程。)


例句:Power outage… taki get the flashlight in the kitchen. (停电了 多喜 去拿手电筒过来 应该放在厨房的)


schedule outage一般作为名词使用,如在schedule outage duration(计划停电持续时间)、schedule outage rate(划停机率)、schedule(时间表)等常见短语中出现较多。

schedule outage duration 计划停电持续时间
schedule outage rate 划停机率
schedule 时间表
on schedule 按时\n[化] 按计划
on the schedule un. 按时间表\n[网络] 按计划;在工作表上;在电视节目时间表上
to schedule 按照预定计划
emergency outage 紧急停运;事故停机
electrical outage 断电
forced outage 事故停电;强制停机;强制停推


guys. We had a power outage due to the storm. (翻译,伙计们,由于风暴我们有一个电源故障)

2. Now, the schedule is a bit of a bear. (翻译:不过我们的日程确实比较紧张 Now, the schedule is a bit of a bear.)

3. Flashlight… candles and things in case of a power outage (翻译:手电筒… 蜡烛,还有好多停电要用的东西)

4. Then schedule periodic reviews therafter. (翻译:然后有计划的复习。)

5. But every new situation calls for a neologism, and so far the best Twitter has come up with is “BlackBerry outage” . (翻译:但是每一次有新情况发生都需要一个新词来表示,目前推特上出现的最好的叫法是“黑莓停摆”。)

6. My schedule is suddenly quite full. (翻译:My schedule is suddenly quite full.)

7. But the anomaly itself wouldn’t be enough to cause a power outage, so something’s come through it. (翻译:但异常点本身是不会对电源供应造成影响的 肯定有什么东西出来了)

8. Shall we make out a little schedule? (翻译:Shall we make out a little schedule?)

9. Come along, children, we are on a schedule. (翻译:快过来孩子们 我们日程很紧 Come along, children, we are on a schedule.)

10. Schedule regular checkups. (翻译:保持定期检查。)

11. Maybe we keep to the schedule. (翻译:保持进度同样重要 Maybe we keep to the schedule.)

12. What if I forgo payment for the schedule in exchange for my share of the prize? (翻译:如果我不要日程表的酬劳 {\3cH202020}What if I forgo payment for the schedule)

13. All this for a power outage. (翻译:这都是因为断电 All this for a power outage.)

14. There was a garbage truck that sticks to a schedule. (翻译:那边有垃圾车定时去收垃圾 – 喂 Hotch)

15. -Let me check my schedule. (翻译:-Let me check my schedule.)

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