divisible是什么意思 divisible的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2023-06-04 18:32:10book


divisible是什么意思 divisible的读音、翻译、用法




1. This number is divisible by five. (这个数可以被5整除。)

2. Is this number divisible by two? (这个数能够被2整除吗?)

3. The sum of the digits must be divisible by three. (数字的和必须能够被3整除。)

4. The remainder of the calculation must be divisible by seven. (计算的余数必须能够被7整除。)

5. The fractions should be divisible by 100. (这些分数应该能够被100整除。)

6. The total amount is divisible among the partints. (总金额要平均分配给参与者。)

7. The divisible property is an important concept in number theory. (可整除性是数论中一个重要的概念。)

8. The question is whether the number is divisible by both seven and eleven. (问题是这个数是否能被7和11都整除。)

9. A number is divisible by 15 if it is divisible by both 3 and 5. (如果一个数能够同时被3和5整除,那么它就能被15整除。)

以上就是自考教育网分享关于divisible是什么意思 divisible的读音、翻译、用法的全部内容,其他关于自考专业相关的问题可以留言或者联系小编哦,仅供参考交流哦!!
