multilayer thermal press是什么意思 multilayer thermal press的中文翻译、读音、例

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multilayer thermal press是什么意思 multilayer thermal press的中文翻译、读音、例

multilayer thermal press的意思是”多层热压机”,还经常被翻译为多层热压机,在线发音:[multilayerthermalpress],multilayer thermal press在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到15个与multilayer thermal press相关的例句。

Multilayer thermal press的中文翻译


例句:The study of the generalization ability of Multilayer Perceptrons(MLPs). (①多层感知机推广性能的定量度量。)


multilayer thermal press一般作为名词使用,如在multilayer([计] 多层(印刷电路板)\n[化] 多层)、multilayer absorption(多层吸附)、multilayer adsorption([化] 多层吸附)等常见短语中出现较多。

multilayer [计] 多层(印刷电路板)\n[化] 多层
multilayer absorption 多层吸附
multilayer adsorption [化] 多层吸附
multilayer aggregate [化] 多层聚集; 多层聚集体
multilayer board [计] 多层印制板
multilayer capacitor 多层电容器
multilayer ceramic 多层陶瓷
multilayer chamber 多层腔
multilayer circuit [计] 多层电路


1. However, you desperately need some instruction. (翻译:媒体和公众 to the press and the public on that occasion.)

2. The press was on her doorstep and the president was in another hemisphere. (翻译:媒体堵在她家门口 The press was on her doorstep)

3. The mechanism of the thermal degrada… (翻译:对树脂的热裂解机理进行了讨论。)

4. It hid from thermal technology. (翻译:热感应设备也监测不到它 It hid from thermal technology.)

5. I suppose he must have been about 40 then. (翻译:So this might not getinto the National Press?)

6. ♪ when you press me to your heart ♪ (翻译:*When you press me to your heart*)

7. We have to press the attack! (翻译:我们必须继续进攻 We have to press the attack!)

8. There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. (翻译:围场四周都是热成像摄像机 There are thermal cameras all over that paddock.)

9. It gets you past the press corps. (翻译:It gets you past the press corps.)

10. GVF Implementation of Multilayer CNN and Its Application to Image Segmentation (翻译:GVF场的多层细胞神经网络实现及其在图像分割中的应用)

11. Chewie, check that thermal capitator. (翻译:丘伊 检查一下热分摊情况 来吧 走了 Chewie, check that thermal capitator.)

12. After that, I have got to talk to the press. (翻译:I have got to talk to the press.)

13. The recent progress on chip multilayer microwave components such as filters, antenna and reso. (翻译:概述了滤波器、天线、谐振器等片式多层微波器件的研究进展。)

14. The recent progress on chip multilayer microwave components such as filters, antenna and reso. (翻译:概述了滤波器、天线、谐振器等片式多层微波器件的研究进展。)

15. Could you send my press card to Perth? (翻译:Oh! Also… Could you send my press card to Perth?)

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