mbst是什么意思 mbst的中文翻译、读音、例句

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mbst是什么意思 mbst的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:- Welcome to St. Patrick, Oliver. (- Welcome to St. Patrick, Oliver.)


mbst一般作为名词使用,如在MBST(abbr. Magnetic Beam-Switching Tube 磁旋管)等常见短语中出现较多。

MBST abbr. Magnetic Beam-Switching Tube 磁旋管


1. – of both Elizabeth sims and Marjorie St. Vincent. (翻译:和Marjorie St. Vincent的验尸报告)

2. ST: Yeah, absolutely, please. CA: This is cool. (翻译:ST:当然可以,请便。CA:这个很酷。)

3. James Tsai is the sort of MBA corporate recruiters covet. (翻译:蔡建平是那种企业寻求的MB A人才。)

4. In your astronomy terms, this star is called planet MB7312442. (翻译:你们天文学称它为MB7312442号行星)

5. They’re also securing St.Julian’s Hospital. (翻译:他们还负责St. Julian医院的安保工作)

6. A POSIX thread on RHEL has a private stack with a size of 10mb. (翻译:RHEL上的一个POSIX线程拥有一个大小为10 MB的私有堆栈。)

7. I hear Sil is at St. Barnabas. (翻译:我听说Sil在St. barnabas医院)

8. In the long run you can expect a slimmed-down version of PHLAK that will fit on a 128-MB or 256-MB USB key. (翻译:在长期运行过程中,您可能期望使用一个精简版本的PHLAK,它可以安装在一个128MB或256MB的USB闪存上。)

9. The network offers download speeds of 6 Mbps, the company claims. (翻译:公司宣称这个网络提供6 MB每秒的。)

10. He told the scenar a golf buddy frica, MB Levine. (翻译:他告诉scenar 高尔夫球哥们frica,MB莱文。)

11. The LTG size is specified either in K or M units, implying KB or MB respectively. (翻译:LTG大小的单位指定为K或M,分别表示KB或MB。)

12. Uploaded Videos must be 5 minutes or less in play length and 100 MBor less in file size. (翻译:上传视频播放长度必须小于5分钟,或小于100 MB。)

13. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for QMB. (翻译:对Q MB重复1 – 4步。)

14. MB: Simple solutions to complex problems. (翻译:MB: 用简单的方法来解决复杂的问题. )

15. On the evening of February 1st. (翻译:xx月1号的晚上 On the evening of February 1st.)

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