nail shedding是什么意思 nail shedding的中文翻译、读音、例句

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nail shedding是什么意思 nail shedding的中文翻译、读音、例句

nail shedding在中文中有”趾、甲脱落”的意思,在英美地区还有”指”的意思,在线读音是[nailshedding],nail shedding来源于英语,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到85个与nail shedding相关的句子。

Nail shedding的翻译


例句:She scratched herself on a nail. (她在钉子上划了一下。)


例句:I was getting tired of looking at that nail. (我正看那钉子看烦了呢 I was getting tired of looking at that nail.)


例句:I got the nail polish for you, sweetie. (我给你准备了指甲油 甜心 I got the nail polish for you, sweetie.)


nail shedding一般作为名词使用,如在shedding(n. 脱落, 蜕落, 蜕落物, 流出, 散发, 梭口, 梭道\n[医] 脱落)、nail(①钉子②指甲 )、nail it(na. (考试)及格;成功\n[网络] 搞定他;搞定;轻松解决一件事)等常见短语中出现较多。

shedding n. 脱落, 蜕落, 蜕落物, 流出, 散发, 梭口, 梭道\n[医] 脱落
nail ①钉子②指甲
nail it na. (考试)及格;成功\n[网络] 搞定他;搞定;轻松解决一件事
nail on 用钉子钉在…上面
nail to 用钉子将(某物)钉在(某物)上
on the nail 立刻, 当场
to a nail 完全,彻底
to nail [网络] 搞定某事
to nail it [网络] 向钉子那样


1. I got the nail polish for you, sweetie. (翻译:我给你准备了指甲油 甜心 I got the nail polish for you, sweetie.)

2. You ever nail a Greek woman? (翻译:你干过希腊女人吗 You ever nail a greek woman?)

3. Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence? (翻译:染红你指甲的是无辜者的血迹? )

4. We just need to nail the wording, okay? (翻译:只需要打磨文字,好吗? We just need to nail the wording, okay?)

5. It was very sharp of him to see a shedding snake and warned the otheres. (翻译:他非常敏锐地看到了一条正在脱皮的蛇并警告别人;)

6. We must nail his trousers to the mast. (翻译:所以演讲要印下来 让他站稳立场 We must nail his trousers to the mast.)

7. – You have to nail it shut! (翻译:-You have to nail it shut!)

8. Stubborn and selfish and shedding. (翻译:Stubborn and selfish and shedding. 固执和自私和脱落)

9. THERE is the nail test, in which a team of engineers drives a large metal nail through a battery cell to see if it explodes. (翻译:在测试中,工程师们将一根大金属针穿过电池以观察其是否爆炸。)

10. The sight of George shedding crocodile tears made me sick. (翻译:看到乔治假慈悲,我感到恶心。)

11. Prudence will be our nail. (翻译:谨慎则是我们的盔甲 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Prudence will be our nail.)

12. She hammered the nail into the wall. (翻译:她把钉子钉到墙上。)

13. The utility model relates to the field of personal living goods, in particular to a pair of nail clippers with a nail recycling box. (翻译:本实用新型涉及个人生活用品领域,尤其是带指甲回收盒的指甲刀。)

14. Shedding the yoke of my oppressors, you blind, sad little man. (翻译:挣脱压制者的束缚 Shedding the yoke of my oppressors, 你这个愚蠢 短视的可怜人 you blind, sad little man.)

15. They found the nail and they put it straight into that coffin and that was it. (翻译:他们需要一个钉子。他们发现, 他们和指甲 把它直入 棺材是它。)

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