tacanhear是什么意思 tacanhear的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2023-11-02 08:20:37book


tacanhear是什么意思 tacanhear的读音、翻译、用法




1. I can tacanhear the birds singing outside my window.(我可以听到窗外的鸟儿在唱歌。)

2. Can you tacanhear the sound of the waves crashing against the s?(你能听到波涛拍打在岸边的声音吗?)

3. I tacanhear my neighbor’s dog barking every night.(每晚我都能听到邻居的狗在叫。)

4. She could tacanhear the soft whispers in the library.(她能听到图书馆里的轻声耳语。)

5. The audience tacanhear the singer’s beautiful voice clearly.(观众能够清晰地听到歌手美妙的声音。)

6. We tacanhear the sound of rain tapping on the roof.(我们听到了雨点敲打屋顶的声音。)

7. He tacanhear the sound of his heartbeat when he’s nervous.(他在紧张时可以听到自己的心跳声。)

8. The teacher tacanhear the students whispering during the test.(老师能够听到学生们在考试时低声交头接耳。)

9. I could tacanhear the laughter coming from the other room.(我能听到从另一个房间传来的笑声。)

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