rod grain是什么意思 rod grain的中文翻译、读音、例句

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rod grain是什么意思 rod grain的中文翻译、读音、例句

rod grain的意思是”杆状药柱”,还有杆状药柱的意思,读音为[rodgrain],rod grain常被用作名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到81个与rod grain相关的句子。

Rod grain的中文翻译


例句:I want every last grain of lemonade you got left. (我要你们剩下的所有柠檬粉 I want every last grain of lemonade you got left.)


rod grain一般作为名词使用,如在grain(谷粒 )、in grain(彻底, 根深蒂固)、such as grain(例如谷物)等常见短语中出现较多。

grain 谷粒
in grain 彻底, 根深蒂固
such as grain 例如谷物
with the grain 顺纹; 顺着纤维
the rod [网络] 生活美学演绎插画时尚创意;权杖
diffusion in grain [晶体] 晶粒内扩散
dimpled grain 凹纹
dip grain 曲走纹理
dry grain 干谷粒


1. A: I was going to ask you, has your hair ever been — ROD: No! It’s all right — go crazy. (翻译:A:我正要问你,你的头发– ROD:不,挺好的–疯了。)

2. This can be a lightening rod for sacroiliac pain. (翻译:它是骶髂疼痛的避雷针。)

3. A-Rod’s in the type of slump he couldn’t hit the beach with a beach ball. (翻译:A -Rod似乎陷入了低潮,连西瓜大般的球也打不到.)

4. Ruled him like a rod of iron. (翻译:必须直接获得所有信息 but I must insist on direct accessto all information.)

5. With grain-fed beef and prawns or grain-fed beef and drunken chicken (翻译:有美国谷饲牛肉配鲜虾 美国谷饲牛肉配那个醉鸡)

6. He is a lightning rod for controversy. (翻译:他是个富有争议的人物. )

7. Both Rod and Phil are football fanatics. (翻译:罗德和菲尔两人都是足球迷。)

8. CA: Thank you Rod Beckstrom. Against. (翻译:CA:谢谢Rod Beckstrom。有请反方的观众。)

9. Rod, Nancy Crozier for the respondent, Blowtorch. (翻译:罗德 我叫南希克罗泽 代表被告布罗拓切公司)

10. Hold on, I gotta call rod. (翻译:- 等一下 我给罗德打个电话 Hold on, I gotta call rod.)

11. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. (翻译:thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.)

12. Rod Beckstrom: Thank you Chris. I’m Rod Beckstrom, CEO of ICANN. (翻译:Rod Beckstrom: 谢谢你, Chris.我是Rod Beckstrom,ICANN的 CEO )

13. the propelling slope angle of the snow plough is controlled by a regulating rod and a movable connecting rod. (翻译:雪犁的起落通过手轮控制升降螺杆来完成,雪犁推进的倾斜角度利用调整杆和活动连杆进行控制。)

14. CONCLUSION: calcitriol plus calcium agents therapy on ROD is better than calcitriol only. (翻译:结论:钙剂加骨化三醇治疗ROD优于单用骨化三醇。)

15. When gather it grain by grain, we soon have a basketful. (翻译:等到我们一粒一粒地把它们聚集,很快就集满一筐。)

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