multiradix index是什么意思 multiradix index的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2024-02-21 16:10:04book

multiradix index的中文解释是”多基数指数”,在英美地区还有”多基数指数”的意思,在线读音是[multiradixindex],multiradix index常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到92个与multiradix index相关的例句。

multiradix index是什么意思 multiradix index的中文翻译、读音、例句

Multiradix index的中文翻译


例句:High viscosity index and good lubricity. (黏度指数高,润滑性佳。)


multiradix index一般作为名词使用,如在multiradix([网络] 多基数的)、multiradix computer(多基数计算机)、index of([网络] 索引;的索引)等常见短语中出现较多。

multiradix [网络] 多基数的
multiradix computer 多基数计算机
index of [网络] 索引;的索引
the index [网络] 索引;指数;索引浏览
die index un. 带指度装置的模
dies index (带)指度(装置的)模
diesel index [机] 迤油指数
differential index [医]差异性指数
differentiation index 分异指数


1. In Touch Hider, any hide or unhide operation on a file will add one index in the Hider index. (翻译:在触摸藏起来,任何隐藏或取消隐藏文件操作上会增加一个索引指数在藏起来。)

2. The index generator is called indexer. (翻译:索引生成器被称为索引器。)

3. In addition, the germinative energy, germinative index and vital index of the seeds also discorded between HT and CK. (翻译:此外,航天组与对照组SP1植株的种子发芽芽势、发芽率及活力指数等指标上也表现出一定差异。)

4. G ra de-N Division in working area is concluded on the basis of formed combined index, and critical zone alignment is determined according to both combined index feature and single index feature. (翻译:在所形成的综合指标基础上,作者又归纳了一种对研究地区进行多级划分的方法,并确定了基于综合指标数字特征和单指标数字特征的临界区间序列。)

5. Information returned by sys. Dm_db_missing_index_details is updated when a query is optimized by the query optimizer, and is not persisted. (翻译:由sys.dm_db_missing_index_details返回的信息会在查询优化器优化查询时更新,因而不是会持久化的。)

6. SUFE 500 enterprises competitiveness index consists of three sub-indexes, namely profitability index, growth index and scale index. (翻译:上财中国500强企业竞争力评价指标由盈利、成长和规模三个子指标构成。)

7. A larger part of the index functions as more of a watch list. (翻译:这个名单的很大一部分 A larger part of the index 更像是一个监视名单 functions as more of a watch list.)

8. Left ventricular stroke work index (LVSWI) and right ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI) were decreased significantly. (翻译:左室每搏功输出指数、右室每搏功输出指数明显下降。)

9. Adjusting the Index Divisor for a change in market value leaves the value of the S&P 500 Index unaffected by the corporate action. (翻译:通过调整“指数除数”来反映股票市场的价格的变动,可以使标准普尔500指数的价格不受公司行为的影响。)

10. Performonce is an index of ability. (翻译:成绩是能力的标志。)

11. Conclusions BBP and BHR index do not effect the HUT result, they are not the index of predicting the positive result. (翻译:结论血压与心率基础值对HUT没有明显影响,不能作为HUT试验阳性的预测指标。)

12. There are multiple index levels to this thing. (翻译:这玩意有多重索引 There are multiple index levels to this thing.)

13. This will produce a subdirectory called index which will contain an index of all of the Lucene source code. (翻译:这个命令会创建一个名为index的子目录,这个目录包含了所有Lucene源码的索引。)

14. Such indexes as gemination rate, germinate speed, seedling growth, index of vigor, index of germination were measured. (翻译:返地后对其标准发芽率、发芽速度、种苗生长、发芽指数、活力指数等指标进行测试。)

15. Judging from the comparison optimizing the various index of queen and optimizing the various index of front, result is sati. . . (翻译:从优化后各项指标与优化前各项指标的比较上看,结果是令人满意的。)

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