physical storage management是什么意思 physical storage management的中文翻

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physical storage management是什么意思 physical storage management的中文翻

physical storage management在英语中代表”物理存储管理”的意思,其次还有”物理存储管理”的意思,发音音标为[physicalstoragemanagement],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到61个与physical storage management相关的句子。

Physical storage management的释义


例句:Trans con 47, this is trans con crisis management center. (这里是救援中心,请听到请回答。This is Trans Con Crisis Management Center.)


physical storage management一般作为名词使用,如在physical storage(物理存储器)、storage management([计] 存储器管理)、physical distribution management([经] 实物分配管理, 物流管理)等常见短语中出现较多。

physical storage 物理存储器
storage management [计] 存储器管理
physical distribution management [经] 实物分配管理, 物流管理
physical main storage 实体主储存器
physical storage address 实体储存位址
physical storage block 实体储存块
physical storage device [计] 物理存储装置
unallocated physical storage [计] 未分配物理存储器
unmapped physical storage [计] 未映射物理存储器


1. Or his physical and mental abuse. (翻译:或是不喜欢受养父的 or his physical and mental abuse.)

2. The formation of secondary quartz, albitite, calcite and laumontite affected the storage physical properties of sandstone in different degrees. (翻译:次生石英、钠长石、方解石和浊沸石等的形成不同程度地影响了砂岩的储集物性。)

3. Plus, he understands the physical change. (翻译:而且 他懂得身体的变化 Plus, he understands the physical change.)

4. And management does not take kindly to that sort of behavior. (翻译:管理层是不会轻易放过你的 And management does not take kindly to that sort of behavior.)

5. And something completely different to management. (翻译:在管理上又是完全不同的 and something completely different to management.)

6. The following message is transmitted at the request of the California Emergency Management. (翻译:应加州应急管理要求发布信息 Message is transmitted at the request of the California emergency management.)

7. Your problem’s not physical. (翻译:你的问题不在生理方面 Your problem is not physical.)

8. Sir, we detected a temperature discrepancy in cold storage. (翻译:we detected a temperature discrepancy in cold storage.)

9. But with this kind of physical evidence (翻译:不过目前证据确凿 But with this kind of physical evidence)

10. About the things in the physical world, (翻译:现实世界里比较接地气的事情 About the things in the physical world,)

11. LVM allows you to create logical volumes out of the physical storage resources on your machine. (翻译:LVM可以让您在除机器上的物理存储资源以外创建逻辑卷。)

12. Taking a stand against oppression and the courage to fight back! (翻译:面对大型management的威胁 用全身对抗的勇气)

13. No, sublevel 83, cold storage. (翻译:不 在冷藏库 地下83层 No, sublevel 83, cold storage.)

14. But so far, none of these has provided as much physical stability for data storage and transmission. (翻译:但是到目前为止, 这些研究中没有一种 在信息存储和传输方面 具有足够的物理稳定性。)

15. I mean, I get that she has physical attributes that are prized by (翻译:I get that she has physical attributes that are prized by…)

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