phaseolain是什么意思 phaseolain的中文翻译、读音、例句

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phaseolain是什么意思 phaseolain的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The tonic phase, the clonic phase, and then the final phase Here is Augustine. (重病态阶段 阵挛性阶段 以及最后的症状完结阶段 这位女孩叫奥古斯丁)


1. Optimization using Single Phase Commit and Promotable Single Phase Notification (翻译:使用单阶段提交和可升级单阶段通知进行优化)

2. Reentry trajectory is divided into two phases: initial descent phase and glide phase. (翻译:将RLV再入过程划分为两段:初始下降段和滑翔段。)

3. In the first phase of this testing, which is called testing for toxicity, it’s called Phase I. (翻译:在测试的第一阶段 是测试药物的毒性 被称作为第一阶段 )

4. The rough strippable skin layer comprises a continuous phase and a disperse phase. (翻译:所 述可剥离的粗糙表层包含连续相和分散相。)

5. Applying two dimensional phase unwrapping at phase shift discontinuity, original spatial phase shift distribution can be reconstructed. (翻译:而后再将取得之相位做二维之解缠绕,去除不连续之相位,原始相位即可被重建出来。)

6. The mayor tried to get the factory to phase out their diesel generators. (翻译:市长想让工厂淘汰现有的柴油发电机 The mayor tried to get the factory to phase out their diesel generators.)

7. Erythrocyte membrane fluidity in the acute phase and recovery phase with NBNA score was a positive correlation. (翻译:红细胞膜流动性在急性期及恢复期均与NBNA评分呈正相关。)

8. The rough strippable skin layer comprises a continuous phase and a disperse phase. (翻译:所述可剥离的粗糙表层包含连续相和分散相。)

9. A phase comparator compares the phase of the reference clock with that of the output clock and outputs a phase comparison signal. (翻译:相位比较器比较基准时钟和输出时钟的相位,并输出相位比较信号。)

10. What about phase equilibria? (翻译:那对于相平衡呢? )

11. I ask Ola what she would like most. (翻译:我问ola现在最想要什么。)

12. Large brain fatigue influences the lengthening of this phase, know in the literature as the paradoxical phase. (翻译:大脑的疲劳影响了 这个阶段的长度 在文献中被称为荒谬阶段)

13. But of course, the Sikhs might give you a job on a platter — the Jews make it hard: international competition, phase one, phase two, phase three. (翻译:但是当然,锡克民族给你的工作也许毫不费劲,可犹太民族的变难了。国际竞争,第一阶段,第二阶段,第三阶段。)

14. Longfor phase IV is currently heading into the schematic design phase, and is expected to be completed in 2019. (翻译:该项目目前正在进入原理图设计阶段,预计将于xx年完成。)

15. Emerging languages in the enterprise – Hosted by Ola Bini. (翻译:企业领域新语言- Ola Bini主持。)

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