poieni是什么意思 poieni的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2024-03-31 19:32:48book

poieni是什么意思 poieni的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Paolo Scaroni, Eni’s boss, sees the firm’s peculiar mix of swashbuckling exploration and plodding distribution as a virtue. (埃尼的老板Paolo Scaroni认为把虚张声势的勘探和缓慢的分布的公司的特殊混合是一种美德。)


例句:Eni quickly denied that it had sent any personnel to the still-unsettled region, which is Italy’s largest source of imported oil. (埃尼公司迅速否认曾派员工去这个战火未息的地区。该地区是意大利最大的原油进口来源。)


例句:Executives said the losses could be higher if the undisclosed shutdowns from Eni were included. (业内高管表示,若把埃尼未披露的停产考虑在内,减少的产量可能更高。)


例句:The more fun the ride down. (翻译:…poi la discesa ci piace di pi.)


poieni一般作为名词使用,如在Poieni([地名] 波耶尼 ( 罗 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Poieni [地名] 波耶尼 ( 罗 )


1. Executives said the losses could be higher if the undisclosed shutdowns from Eni were included. (翻译:业内高管表示,若把埃尼未披露的停产考虑在内,减少的产量可能更高。)

2. The more fun the ride down. (翻译:…poi la discesa ci piace di pi.)

3. With the ashby eni cure it is only a matter of time before all current s.O.S. Cases are treated, and future cases prevented. (翻译:有了艾什比埃尼解药 实现情感自启综合症的治愈和预防 只是时间问题)

4. All are currently safe and receiving the ashby eni cure. (翻译:三人均已接受艾什比埃尼治疗 目前一切安全)

5. Contact your doctor immediately to receive the ashby eni cure and rejoin the ranks of equals… (翻译:请立即联系您的医生 以获取艾什比埃解药 重回同等族群)

6. Eni, Europe’s fourth-largest oil company, climbed 2.9 percent in Milan. (翻译:米兰股市方面,欧洲第四大石油公司埃尼石油公司股价上涨2.9%。)

7. Conclusion The type of CA is related to the poi-sions in different kinds and concentration. (翻译:结论染色体畸变类型的改变与接毒因素及接毒浓度密切相关。)

8. Eni said that none of its oil installations have been attacked and that only some were offline. (翻译:埃尼集团表示,该公司的石油设施没有任何一处受到攻击,而且只有部分设施暂时关闭了。)

9. In June Iraq’s Oil Ministry said Eni, with other bidders, was not willing to accept the government’s contract terms for the Zubair oilfield. (翻译:石油部xx月曾表示,埃尼和其他竞标者不愿接受伊列出的开发协议条款。)

10. The Italian energy firm ENI last month announced two major finds in the Mamba South gas fields off Mozambique’s northeastern coast. (翻译:意大利能源公司埃尼上个月宣布说,在莫桑比克东北部沿海南梦巴发现了两座巨型天然气田。)

11. I’ll sing one and leaving anotherto my Thai friend Chai-Chai-Poi. (翻译:我唱一首好了 另外一首留给我泰国朋友差差蚌)

12. This article uses the Apache POI because of its support community and rich functionality. (翻译:由于 Apache POI 的支持社区和丰富功能,本文使用 Apache POI。)

13. How about some… some, er, les oh d’oeuvres, er, gateau au poivres, er, terrine et fillet lamb et poison au er, poi, poi… (翻译:来一些… 一些宫堡肉丁,叉烧奶油包 沙锅羊肉片,还有…)

14. Things turned so bad that Eni’s partners quietly began to lobby against the Italian company. (翻译:情况非常糟糕,埃尼集团的合作伙伴们开始在私下游说反对这家意大利公司。)

15. It was a gift from Audrey, and I spilled poi all over it. (翻译:那是奥黛丽送我的礼物 却被我抹了一堆芋泥)

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