wonton是什么意思 wonton的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-15 13:22:44涵玉

1. 词义:馄饨,是一种中国传统的汉族小吃。

2. 词性:名词。

wonton是什么意思 wonton的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配:wonton soup(馄饨汤)、fried wonton(炸馄饨)。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:/wn.tn/。


1. I ordered a bowl of wonton soup for breakfast.(我点了一碗馄饨汤当早餐。)

2. My mom's homemade wontons taste better than the ones in the restaurant.(我妈妈自制的馄饨比餐厅的要更加好吃。)

3. Straw mushrooms are usually added to wonton soup, it more fragrant.(草菇通常会加入到馄饨汤里,让它更加香味浓郁。)

4. The restaurant's fried wontons are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.(这家餐厅的炸馄饨外皮酥脆,内里柔软。)

5. My favorite wonton filling is minced pork and shrimp with chopped green onions.(我最喜欢的馄饨馅是猪肉虾米和葱花混合的。)

1. 'wonton'是中国词语,翻译为“馄饨”。它是一种传统的中国汉族小吃,通常由猪肉、虾仁等做馅料,包裹在薄面皮里,加入调料后煮熟。

2. 他喜欢吃煮熟的馄饨,里面放了很多肉和蔬菜。 (He likes to eat boiled wontons with lots of meat and vegetables.)

3. 妈妈的馄饨皮做得很薄很好吃。 (My mother makes very thin and delicious wonton skins.)

4. 我们在饺子馆吃了一份热气腾腾的馄饨汤。 (We had a steaming bowl of wonton soup at the dumpling restaurant.)

5. 这个馄饨摊位卖的馅料很新鲜,价格也很便宜。 (The wonton stall sells fresh fillings at a reasonable price.)

6. 他通常在早上吃一碗热气腾腾的馄饨汤来开始新的一天。 (He usually starts his day with a steaming bowl of wonton soup for breakfast.)

7. 我们在中国城的小摊位上品尝了一些当地的馄饨,感觉很好吃。 (We tasted some local wontons at a small stall in Chinatown and found them delicious.)

8. 她擅长制作馄饨,每次做的都很好吃。 (She is good at wontons and they always turn out delicious.)

9. 只要经过一定的训练,你也可以学会包馄饨。 (With some training, you can also learn how to wrap wontons.)

wonton的中文翻译是馄饨(hn tn)。

读音:wn tn


1. I love wonton soup, it's my favorite Chinese food.(我喜欢馄饨汤,这是我最喜欢的中式美食。)

2. She makes the best wontons, they are so delicious!(她做的馄饨最好吃了,太美味了!)




例句:She brought over the tastiest wonton soup my mother had ever eaten. (她送来了馄饨,那是我妈妈吃过的最美味的馄饨。)


例句:The vegetables meat wonton, scallion cake , coturnix egg. (菜肉馄饨,葱油饼,鹌鹑蛋。)


wonton一般作为名词使用,如在wonton noodles([网络] 馄饨面;云吞面;老曹馄饨)、wonton soup(上汤云吞)、wonton soups(馄饨汤)等常见短语中出现较多。

wonton noodles[网络] 馄饨面;云吞面;老曹馄饨
wonton soup上汤云吞
wonton soups馄饨汤


1. Tang Gulu walks out of the wonton restaurant and she's very happy with all the sunlight outside. (翻译:唐咕噜从馄饨店里出来,看见外面阳光满地,很高兴。)

2. A fragrant, watery soup, wonton is filled with bite-sized boiled dumplings and dozens of the tiniest shrimps you can imagine. (翻译:一碗芳香四溢,水汪汪的馄饨,你可以想象用一口就能吞下的皮包裹着好多小虾米的肉馅。)

3. The term wonton is believed to be the origin for Japanese udon. (翻译:馄饨一词被认为是原产地为日本乌冬面。)

4. Ishmael had a sweet milky coffee and a bowl of steaming wonton soup before him. (翻译:伊士梅尔的面前,摆着一杯奶咖啡和一碗热气腾腾的馄饨。)

5. We could have bacon and eggs or fried squid, wonton soup or jellied bean curd. (翻译:我们可以吃熏肉鸡蛋或酥炸鲜鱿,还有馄饨或煎饼果子。)

6. Wing Wah is famous for its shrimp wonton soup, which comes with springy, curly noodles that are still made by hand. (翻译:荣华之所以出名,是因为它的汤鲜且面有弹性,以及它的面条是纯手动制作而文明。)

7. Most Westerners are familiar with wonton soup, but few realise it's slurped down for breakfast over here. (翻译:大多数西方人已经熟悉馄饨汤了,但没多少人意识到它在这里可是好吃的早餐。)

8. This group of immigrant families comes together weekly to trade gossip, feast on wonton and sweet chaswei, and play mahjong. (翻译:这群移民家庭 每周会聚在一起聊八卦, 吃一顿馄饨和甜叉烧, 打打麻将。)

9. 'Cause I'd love a wonton or two. - It's not racist if I say it. (翻译:我很想吃一两个馄饨 我这么说不算种族主义)

10. Wonton Food, the largestfortune cookie maker in the country, produces about 4.5 million cookiesa day. (翻译:云吞食品公司是全美最大的幸运饼干生产商,每天产量大约为四百五十万个。)


