frothy是什么意思 frothy的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-15 14:34:21顾笙

1. 词的意思:

frothy是什么意思 frothy的中文翻译、读音、例句

- (液体)起泡的、多泡沫的;

- (言谈、情感等)轻浮的、空洞的;

2. 词性:形容词

3. 常用场景:frothy一般用于描述液体(如牛奶、啤酒、咖啡等)表面的泡沫。同时,也可以用于形容言谈、感情等轻浮、空洞的状态。

4. 词组搭配:

- frothy coffee/latte/tea 有泡沫的咖啡/拿铁/茶

- frothy beer/malt 有泡沫的啤酒/麦芽饮料

- frothy speech/talk 空洞的讲话/言谈

- frothy emotions 轻浮的情感

- frothy foam 起泡沫的泡沫

5. 相关短语:

- froth at the mouth 嘴巴起泡沫(通常是因为激动、生气等原因)

- froth over 热情洋溢地谈论

6. 发音拼写:/fri/

frothy的中文翻译是“泡沫的、浮躁的”,读音为 /fri/。


1. The frothy waves crashed against the s.


2. The speech was full of frothy statements, but lacked substance.


3. She prefers her cappuccino with frothy foam on top.





例句:After their frothy first films together, Lee went into a dark patch, beginning with the sober domestic drama "The Ice Storm. " (首次电影合作后,李安首先是清醒的家庭影片“冰风暴”。)


例句:Alginate is already in widespread use by the food industry as a gelling agent and to thicken the frothy head of some lagers. (在食品工业中,藻酸盐已经被广泛用作胶凝剂,或用来增加一些贮藏啤酒的泡沫。)


例句:A frothy property market was one of the reasons for the Reserve Bank of Australia raising interest rates six times between October and May. (充满泡沫的房地产市场是澳大利亚储备银行在去年xx月到今年xx月六次提高利率的原因之一。)


例句:Animals can appear to be sick and tense, and not seem to have the frothy-mouth onset. (翻译:患病的动物们可能看起来病了并且很紧张,但并不会口吐白沫。)


frothy一般作为形容词使用,如在frothy bloat(泡沫性鼓胀)、frothy expectoration([医] 泡沫痰)、frothy sputhum([医] 泡沫性痰)等常见短语中出现较多。

frothy bloat泡沫性鼓胀
frothy expectoration[医] 泡沫痰
frothy sputhum[医] 泡沫性痰
frothy sputum泡沫痰
frothy sputum泡沫样血痰


1. A frothy property market was one of the reasons for the Reserve Bank of Australia raising interest rates six times between October and May. (翻译:充满泡沫的房地产市场是澳大利亚储备银行在去年xx月到今年xx月六次提高利率的原因之一。)

2. Animals can appear to be sick and tense, and not seem to have the frothy-mouth onset. (翻译:患病的动物们可能看起来病了并且很紧张,但并不会口吐白沫。)

3. burning the prepared xerogel to generate a gas to prepare frothy powder; (翻译:将所得的干凝胶燃烧放出气体,得泡沫状粉末;)

4. Why settle for a froufrou cup of calories when you can have this frothy and yes, healthy Cafe Latte meal? (翻译:为什么解决了热量frou - frou杯的时候,你可以有这样的泡沫,是的,健康的咖啡拿铁饭吗? )

5. And then the asphaltenes -- and this is the crucial thing -- the asphaltenes get whipped by the waves into a frothy emulsion, something like mayonnaise. (翻译:然后沥青烯--这是决定的东西-- 沥青烯被波浪拍打成 充满泡沫的乳状液,像蛋黄酱一样。)

6. Yes, their valuations reached frothy levels, too, but at least there was a more solid business behind them. (翻译:不错,他们的估值也到了泡沫的水平,不过至少他们的背后有着更加坚实的业务。)

7. No bad apples ever went into that cider, and its frothy freshness was the best thing I have tasted, before or since. (翻译:从没有坏苹果混进苹果酒中,那泛着泡沫的新鲜苹果酒是我迄今为止尝过的最好的味道。)

8. "This tells me that London was a bit frothy, while China was trading closer to fair value, " said a trader based in Perth. (翻译:“这显示伦敦金属价格有一些泡沫,上海市场则较为接近公允价格,”一位驻珀斯的交易员说。)

9. That could increase risk premiums and unnerve frothy financial markets around the world. (翻译:美元暴跌无疑会增加风险溢价并使全球的泡沫性金融市场失常。)

10. Propelled by a light swell, frothy spume flecked boulders beside the line. (翻译:轻浪打在火车轨道边的巨石上,激起点点泡沫。)

11. Just like an ocean crest, wine waves begin to break, turning frothy, if they're moving too quickly, he says. (翻译:就像海浪的波峰,如果它们移动过快,葡萄酒波就开始瓦解,变为泡沫,莱克拉里说。)

12. Makes it light and frothy. (翻译:Makes it light and frothy.)

13. And then the asphaltenes -- and this is the crucial thing -- the asphaltenes get whipped by the waves into a frothy emulsion, something like mayonnaise. (翻译:然后沥青烯--这是决定的东西-- 沥青烯被波浪拍打成 充满泡沫的乳状液,像蛋黄酱一样。)

14. She was back on her feet before Charlie returned with the two frothy white bouquets. (翻译:查理拿着两把饱满的花束回到房间前,她已经站起身了。)

15. Assuming no regulatory problems , prospects look sufficiently juiced-up to justify the frothy price . (翻译:假定没有监管方面的问题,前景看来足够光明,证明“起泡”的价格是合理的。)


