white fox是什么意思 white fox的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-15 15:50:44映菡

词义:white fox 是指白色的狐狸,一种生活在北半球的哺乳动物。


white fox是什么意思 white fox的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:white fox 经常与其他词组合使用,例如:white fox fur(白狐皮毛)、white fox tail(白狐尾巴)等。


发音拼写:[wat fks]


1. The white fox is well adapted to the cold environment of the Arctic.(白狐适应了北极寒冷的环境。)

2. She wore a luxurious coat made from white fox fur.(她穿着一件豪华的白狐皮毛外套。)

3. The hunter tracked the white fox through the snowy forest.(猎人在雪地里追踪白狐。)

4. The white fox is prized for its beautiful fur.(白狐因其美丽的皮毛而备受珍视。)

5. The Arctic is home to many species of animals, including the white fox.(北极是许多动物的家园,包括白狐。)

6. They spotted a white fox darting across the field.(他们看到一只白狐飞快地穿过田野。)

7. The white fox blended in perfectly with the snowy landscape.(白狐与雪地的景色完美融合在一起。)

中文翻译:白狐狸(bi hl)

读音:bi h l


1. The white fox ran through the snow and disappeared into the forest.(白狐狸穿过雪地跑进了森林里消失了。)

2. In some cultures, white foxes are considered to be magical creatures.(在一些文化中,白狐狸被认为是神奇的生物。)

white fox通常被翻译为"脊椎、白狐"的意思,其中文解释还有"白狐狸"的意思,在线读音是[whitefox],white fox是一个英语名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到10个与white fox相关的例句。

White fox的词典翻译


例句: were you hare when I was fox? (# were you hare when I was fox?)


例句:No skies of gray On the Great White Way (No skies of gray On the Great White Way)


例句:Here comes the bride All dressed in white (all dressed in white!)


white fox一般作为名词使用,如在white arctic fox(白狐)、the fox(狐狸)、white on white(白底上有白花样)等常见短语中出现较多。

white arctic fox白狐
the fox狐狸
white on white白底上有白花样
dog fox【动物】;雄狐;沙狐,鞑靼狐
fennec fox[网络] 耳廓狐;沙漠狐狸;大耳小狐狸
flying foxn. 狐蝠, 果蝠
fox and geese(棋戏)狐入鹅群
fox away已经发射(空对空飞弹;军语), 已经发射(空对空飞弹,军语)
fox batn. 狐蝠式战斗机


1. Here comes the bride All dressed in white (翻译:all dressed in white!)

2. ♫When black and white turns into gray ? (翻译:When black and white tums into gray)

3. Today, my only true rival is Albert White. (翻译:现在 我唯一的仇敌就是Albert White Today, my only true rival is Albert White.)

4. Hints of pear, white peaches. (翻译:Hints of pear, white peaches.)

5. You got a problem with it, go cry to your new crew, T-Bag and the white boys. (翻译:-Bag and the white boys.)

6. I mean... What are the chances we even make it to Fox River alive? (翻译:我意思是 我们有可能 活着回到Fox River吗?)

7. - You heard of Albert White? (翻译:- 听说过Albert White吗 - 你话太多了 - You heard of Albert White?)

8. White as snow it blossoms. (翻译:White as snow it blossoms)

9. - Some customer stalking that fox. (翻译:- Some customer stalking that fox.)

10. - I put some snacks in there. (翻译:- I put some snacks in there. - This is fox deterrent.)

11. And the rabbit in the fox, (翻译:再把兔子塞到狐狸肚子里 and the rabbit in the fox,)

12. Here in New York, we continue to mourn and process the loss of our colleague, Jason Fox. (翻译:we continue to mourn Jason Fox.)

13. Trace under Jojo's fingernail was a mix of opacifiers, alkali and white pigment. (翻译:alkali and white pigment.)

14. Tangled with a no-good fox, eh? (翻译:Ah. Tangled with a no -good fox, eh?)

15. If this thing doesn't work out and you end up going back to fox river, (翻译:如果不成功 最后你会回到Fox River)


white fox作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、white、foxes等。
