毛用英语怎么说 毛的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-15 20:02:44红颜殆

毛英语为" Wool",在常中也可以翻译为"gss",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到15个与毛相关短语释义和例句。

毛翻译为 406 The direction of hair follicles gwth and location of the secondary hair follicle are obvious。

He was afraid the dog's hairs might dirty the seats.

毛用英语怎么说 毛的英语翻译

6. 108 The HMB-45 positive cells were present in the hair bulb the hair matx and the epidermal basil

毛翻译为 108 The HMB-45 positive cells were present in the hair bulb the hair matx and the epidermal basil。

示例:- Are you speaking krt now? - Hair, hair, hair! - Are you speaking krt now?

towel hand towel washrag loop towel ( 毛巾 纺 纺 )

Mascara opera eyelash gwer Eye black ( 睫毛膏 )

Sunstreaker SCUD Scud missile ( 飞毛腿 )

Wool cashmere fleece ( 羊毛 纺 )

flagellum flagella cilium cilia ( 鞭毛 昆 )

6. You're with the fry wall. With the fry wall now.

6. - None of yo business, actually.

6. Got it. i mean, why, God, why?

6. - Without the hair? - Mm-hmm,

6. Mio, Massimo or any other kind of "mo."

7. it's cat hair, inspector Gorley. Hair fm a black cat.

8. We were talking about how-- i don't know.

9. And it's funny that we hit that.

10. "Moji, moji, moji." Moji, moji, moji.

11. This is unnecessary to you.

12. Stalin, Mao, Stalin. That's good, that's good.

13. Hey, man, what's up, dude?
