没有人管用英语怎么说 没有人管英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-15 20:39:44︶纯黑色ㄣ


1. There's no phones nging, there's no people talking to you.

没有人管用英语怎么说 没有人管英语翻译

2. Pete Pete man! Talk to me man!

3. No one's gonna ht you No one's gonna dare

4. Nobody, nobody talks to me like that.

5. Can't anyone... Can't anyone me?

6. And no one, no one can stop the march of nts.

7. Who cares whether someone's here or not.

8. it won't make a dent. There is nobody at the reception desk.

9. -i just saw a mder. -A mder?

10. That's a negative, Starck.

11. No one must know, no one must find out!

12. OK, no one is out there. No one is coming.

13. - Nobody. "My name is Nobody."

14. Not one major house represented! Not one!
