高中同学用英语怎么说 高中同学英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-16 07:02:43薄荷绿

高中同学英语为" High school students",在常中也可以翻译为"high school schoolmate",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到43个与高中同学相关短语释义和例句。

Why attend high school reunions Participation in high school alumni functions Participation high sc( 参加高中同学聚会么 )

高中同学用英语怎么说 高中同学英语翻译

Prac-tice and Pgress ( 基稍差高中同学 )

high school equivalency ( 高中同等学力 )

1. Senior tp with yo fends in Pas.

2. You said you went to high school with Scott?

3. My fend fm high school.

4. So you nr see anybody fm high school?

5. i think i went to high school with that guy.

6. You went to Saint Ambse with Mary. You lived five blocks fm her.

7. You obviously went to high school together.

8. He mared a girl in o class.

9. - Thank you. i re-- i remember them fm high school. - Do you?

10. i went to high school with her.

11. - YOU O iN HiGH SCHOOL TOGETHER ? - [ Lghs ]

12. You went to high school with Craig Heisner?

13. We were totally just talking about you.

14. You know when you see someone that you haven't seen since high school?

15. This guy fm high school. Total player.
