帕尔帕廷用英语怎么说 帕尔帕廷英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-16 14:58:43⒈米阳光


1. Palpatine remained sequestered at Byss while he rebuilt his stren, and his Empire.

帕尔帕廷用英语怎么说 帕尔帕廷英语翻译

2. Palpatine's voice was pvided by Clive Revill for Empire.

3. We don't have him, Pal Palich.

4. Palpatine ced out for , calling Mace a traitor, and explaining how the Jedi had engineered a coup to topple the Republic's leadership.


5. He would soon have dark and isted desis of ruling over a revitalized Empire as Palpatine once had.


6. Palpatine constructed a secret thne-world deep within the galaxy's core, on a shadowy world called Byss.


7. Palpatine constructed a secret thne-world deep within the galaxy's core, on a shadowy world called Byss.


8. (Lghter) We forget about the other o combinations.

9. Ora knew that his open opposition to Palpatine dung his Senate days would make him a target of impeal repsals.


10. When Palpatine se to power, Ashgad was exiled to the onetime pson planet Nam Choos.


11. As Palpatine consolidated his New Order, Bel iblis was one of his earliest targets.


12. Anakin continued to hold his own alone, ged to the offensive by Palpatine's goading.

13. Be careful of yo fend Palpatine.

14. Palpatine remained sequestered at Byss while he rebuilt his stren, and his Empire.
