vbot是什么意思 vbot的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-16 16:16:43绝の恋

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vbot是什么意思 vbot的中文翻译、读音、例句


vbot的读音:/vibt/ 或 /vibt/


1. Vbot是一款非常适合儿童玩耍和学习编程的机器人。

2. 通过手机APP,你可以远程控制vbot机器人的运动和动作。

3. 我们在学校里尝试使用vbot教孩子们编程,效果非常不错。


vbot's Chinese translation: Wireless motion control robot.

vbot's unciation: /vibt/ or /vibt/

Example sentences:

1. Vbot is a robot that is very suitable for children to play and learn programming.

2. With the mobile app, you can remotely control the motion and actions of the vbot robot.

3. We tried using vbot to teach children programming at school, and the results were very good.
