peep是什么意思 peep的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-17 07:19:42久光


1. 词性和含义

peep是什么意思 peep的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Peep'可以是动词,名词,或者缩写词。作为动词,'peep'的含义是轻轻窥视或者探视。作为名词,'peep'则指短暂或者偷偷的窥视或者探视。作为缩写词,'PEEP'则是正压呼吸(positive end-expiratory pressure)的缩写,是一种医疗设备。

2. 同义词和反义词

'Peep'的同义词包括glance, peek, glimpse等;反义词则为stare, scrutinize, inspect等。

3. 用法和搭配

'Peep'可以单独使用,也可以和其他词搭配使用。常见的搭配词包括'peep through', 'peep inside', 'peep at'等。可以用来描述,窥视,以及甚至是通过某个孔洞观察。'Peep'也可以作为动词不定式,表示将要短暂窥视。

4. 近义词和异义词

'Peep'的近义词和异义词包括'peek', 'glance', 'glimpse', 'spy', 'sneak', 'gaze'等。

5. 实际应用场景



1. She tried to peep through the curtains to see who was outside. 她试图透过窗帘看看外面是谁。

2. He took a quick peep inside the box to see what was in there. 他轻轻打开盒子看了一眼里面有什么。

3. The child was caught peeping at the presents before Christmas. 孩子被抓到在圣诞节前偷看礼物。

4. The patient was put on PEEP to help them breathe more easily. 患者使用PEEP能够帮助他们更轻松地呼吸。

5. I had a peep at the newspaper headlines, but didn't have time to read the whole article. 我转了一圈报纸的头条,但没有时间读整篇文章。




1. She peeped cautiously around the corner to see if anyone was following her.


2. The baby let out a peep when she heard her mother's voice.


3. The little bird peeped out from its nest for the first time.





例句:The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep at the heaven. (群树如表示大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天空窥望。)


例句:"The Internet helps build the awareness and desire by letting so many people peep into the catwalk, " Mr. Kapferer said. (卡普弗雷尔说:“通过让很多人窥视时装秀,互联网有助于建立意识和渴望。” )


例句:To appreciate the perspective peep origin of life a profound Lake rhyme confirms respected and connivance of enjoyment. (以欣赏者的角度,窥视生活本源,以深邃湖韵,印证尊崇,纵容享受。)


例句:And when you come out, not a peep. (翻译:你出来的时候 别吱声 And when you come out, not a peep.)


peep一般作为名词、动词使用,如在peep peep([网络] 呼气末正压;呼气末正压通气;胶杯)、peep at(偷看,窥视,监视)、peep this([网络] 窥视;窥探)等常见短语中出现较多。

peep peep[网络] 呼气末正压;呼气末正压通气;胶杯
peep at偷看,窥视,监视
peep this[网络] 窥视;窥探
get a peep瞥见,窥见
peep door[化] 观察孔
peep eye[化] 窥视孔
peep hole[机] 窥孔
peep of dawn破晓,黎明
peep of day破晓,黎明
peep of morning黎明,破晓


1. To appreciate the perspective peep origin of life a profound Lake rhyme confirms respected and connivance of enjoyment. (翻译:以欣赏者的角度,窥视生活本源,以深邃湖韵,印证尊崇,纵容享受。)

2. And when you come out, not a peep. (翻译:你出来的时候 别吱声 And when you come out, not a peep.)

3. He took a peep at the back of the book to find out the answers to the questions. (翻译:他偷偷看了一下书的后面,想找出那些问题的答案。)

4. Anna's eyebrow slightly and slightly and upward on lifting, seem to peep out a bit of white of the eye in canthus, but don't reply. (翻译:安娜的眉毛略略向上一抬,眼角里好像露出一小块眼白,却并不答复。)

5. Such slopping-over of attentionmade me feel cornered and humiliated, almost as if somebody had taken a peep into my pants. (翻译:如此过度的关注让我感到惊吓和丢脸,那感觉就好像有人往我裤内窥视一般。)

6. I don't know about living there, but I would like to get a peep inside. (翻译:我不知道自己想不想住进去 倒是很想一眼)

7. Red waits at the bars. Smoking. Listening. He cranes his head, peers down toward Andy's cell. Nothing. Not a peep. (翻译:瑞德在铁栏那儿等着,抽着烟,倾听着。他探起头向下朝安迪的号房看去,无声无息。)

8. Nothing. Not a peep. But she's just waiting for me to say something, I'm like a statue. (翻译:一点都没有 但是她就等我说点什么 我当时已经石化了)

9. Because if he is, Big Bad Wolf and Little Bo Peep can do something for Mother Goose. (翻译:那是因为大坏狼和小波比可以 母鹅做一些事情)

10. I'm going for my goihic Lifile Bo Peep. (翻译:我要去 我goihic Lifile博窥视。)

11. You're not gonna hear so much as a peep out of me, but I'm so proud of you, I could explode. (翻译:ﺮﻴﺜﻜﻟﺍ ﻲﻨﻣ ﻲﻌﻤﺴﺗ ﻦﻟ ﺮﺠﻔﻧﺃ ﻥﺃ ﻦﻜﻤﻳ.. ﻚﺑ ﺓﺭﻮﺨﻓ ﻲﻨﻨﻜﻠ)

12. Peep the VGB Gentlemen of Leisure Collection. (翻译:让我们偷看一下VGB的绅士休闲装。)

13. They gather in the evenings to slurp down junk food and peep at a woman in the neighboring apartment tower. (翻译:晚上,他们聚集在一起大吃垃圾食品,偷看隔壁公寓里的女人。)

14. Generally speaking, man's getting hurt ambition peep out a so bitter facial wording, that obviously only a few locations. (翻译:一般来说,男人受伤会露出这么痛苦的表情,那显然只有几个地方。)

15. Billions of dollars have gone into inventing the Internet and filling it with pictures of naked women so we don't have to peep through windows. (翻译:人们花大把钞票开发出 遍布的网络世界 你犯不着吧)


