else是什么意思 else的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-17 08:32:42欤你

else是什么意思 else的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 作为连词使用



- If it rains, we will stay indoors. Otherwise, we will go to the park. (如果下雨,我们会呆在室内。否则我们会去公园。)

- You have two choices: either you can leave now, or else you can stay and help me. (你有两个选择,要么现在离开,要么留下来帮我。)

- If you don't eat your vegetables, you won't get any dessert. Otherwise, you can have some ice cream. (如果你不吃蔬菜,你就不能吃甜点。否则你可以吃点冰淇淋。)

2. 作为代词使用



- I don't want this shirt. Do you have anything else? (我不想要这件衬衫。你还有别的什么吗?)

- We don't need any more chairs. Is there anything else you can offer us? (我们不需要更多的椅子。你还有其他什么可以提供给我们吗?)

- She doesn't want to see him again. Is there someone else she can date? (她不想再见他了。她还有其他人可以约会吗?)

3. 作为缩写词使用



- I only have math and science cles today. What about you? /s/ (我今天只有数学和科学课。你呢?其他科目有吗?)

- Do you want me to order pizza or Chinese food for dinner? /s/ (你想让我点比萨还是中餐作为晚餐?其他选择呢?)

- I prefer romantic comedies, but /s/ I'll watch anything with Tom Hanks in it. (我更喜欢浪漫喜剧,但是除此之外,只要汤姆汉克斯有演出我都会看。)




1. Is there anything else you want to add? 你还有什么要补充的吗?

2. I can't find my gles anywhere else. 我在其他地方都找不到我的眼镜了。

3. If you don't want to go to the party, what else do you want to do? 如果你不想去参加派对,你还想做什么?

4. You have to finish this task, or else you will be fired. 你必须完成这项任务,否则你会被解雇。




例句:I-I mean, what else could it have been? (what else could it have been?)


例句:Uh, like everybody else back then. (Uh, like everybody else back then.)


例句:Or deep down, are you something else? (Or deep down, are you something else?)


例句:Can I, er, get you anything else? (翻译:get you anything else?)


else一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在Else if([网络] 条件;条件n;否则如果)、if then else([电] 假设用法)、or else(否则)等常见短语中出现较多。

Else if[网络] 条件;条件n;否则如果
if then else[电] 假设用法
or else否则
ELSE clause[计] 否则子句, ELSE子句
else instruction[电] ELSE指令
else operation否则运算
else process否则处理
ELSE rule[计] 否则规则
ELSE statement[计] 否则语句, ELSE语句


1. Or deep down, are you something else? (翻译:Or deep down, are you something else?)

2. Can I, er, get you anything else? (翻译:get you anything else?)

3. -Mary, what else did he say to you? (翻译:what else did he say to you?)

4. Everything else will fall into place. (翻译:Everything else will fall into place.)

5. Well, what else was I supposed to do? (翻译:what else was I supposed to do?)

6. She was my chance at something else. (翻译:She was my chance at something else.)

7. I've been thinking, it might be time for someone else. (翻译:it might be time for someone else.)

8. I was thinking of something else. (翻译:I was thinking of something else.)

9. ? I never had to think of anyone else ? (翻译:I never had to think of anyone else)

10. Yeah, or you could start something else. (翻译:or you could start something else.)

11. Why else would it be here? (翻译:Why else would it be here?)

12. Well, they don't, so pick something else. (翻译:so pick something else.)

13. Charlotte Lucas, do you think of nothing else? (翻译:do you think of nothing else?)

14. No one else needs to get hurt. (翻译:No one else needs to get hurt.)

15. If not an affair, then something else... (翻译:then something else...)
