秦淮灯会用英语怎么说 秦淮灯会英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-21 19:09:36好来污

秦淮灯会英语翻译是"lantern show",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到94个与秦淮灯会相关译文和例句。

1. "Ever since the ancient era,"

秦淮灯会用英语怎么说 秦淮灯会英语翻译

2. That tcks yo body into thinking it's still daytime.

3. You have to get outside. Those fluorescent lights will kill you. i read about them.

译文:一定要出来吃,里面荧光灯会杀了你 我读过有关文章。

4. She wanted to play "The Qin Huai View,"

5. The day of the Lantern Festival

6. Yeah, nothing like the spse Sonny Black is gonna get.

7. There are certain shades of limelight that can wreck a girl's complexion.

8. - This light supposed to be kept bning'?

9. -What happens if they run a red light?

10. Wu zetian lanterns will borw it seeks for emper toward earthling thone self-reliance.

11. (RAPPiNG) You wanna watch me, watch this

12. They were the famous women of the Qin Huai River.

13. Everything my wife touches falls off, so you can guess how scared i am.
