saviour是什么意思 saviour的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-21 20:16:36堪怀



saviour是什么意思 saviour的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:saviour of the world(世界之救主)、saviour complex(救世主情结)、saviour figure(拯救者形象)

短语:be a saviour(成为救世主)



1. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the saviour of the world.(圣经教导我们,是世界上的救世主。)

2. The firefighters were hailed as saviours after they rescued the family from the burning building.(消防员在把一家人从火灾中救出后,被誉为救世主。)

3. In his own mind, he was a saviour figure who could solve all the world's problems.(他自认为是一个能够解决世界所有问题的拯救者。)

4. The rescue team worked tirelessly to find survivors and became known as the town's saviours.(救援队不辞劳苦地寻找幸存者,成为镇上的拯救者。)

5. When the school caught fire, the brave teacher risked her life to save the students and was hailed as a saviour.(当学校起火时,这位勇敢的老师冒着生命危险去救学生,被誉为救世主。)

6. The company's new CEO was seen as the saviour who could turn the struggling business around.(公司的新CEO被视为能够扭转困境的救世主。)

7. The mission of the charity is to be a saviour for those in need and help them rebuild their lives.(慈善机构的使命是成为需要帮助的人们的救世主,并帮助他们重建自己的生活。)



1. Jesus Christ is considered by Christians as the saviour of the world.(被徒视为世界的救世主。)

2. The lifeguard was hailed as a saviour after he rescued the drowning child.(救生员在他拯救了溺水的孩子后被誉为救世主。)




例句:The observances enjoined by Rome had failed to bring peace of soul, and in faith they accepted the Saviour's blood as their propitiation. (罗马教所规定的种种仪式既不能使人的心灵得到平安,他们就因着信,接受了救主的血为他们的挽回祭。)


例句:Through the ancient prophets, you have promised us a warrior saviour. (通过古老的先知, 你答应我们的战士救世主。)


例句:Jean Valjean was my saviour that night! (冉阿让就是我的救命恩人 Jean Valjean was my saviour that night!)


saviour一般作为名词使用,如在The Saviour(救世主)、saviour sibling([网络] 救命宝宝;救星同胞;救命弟妹)、saviour siblings([网络] 救世主兄弟)等常见短语中出现较多。

The Saviour救世主
saviour sibling[网络] 救命宝宝;救星同胞;救命弟妹
saviour siblings[网络] 救世主兄弟
soil saviour土壤保养


1. Jean Valjean was my saviour that night! (翻译:冉阿让就是我的救命恩人 Jean Valjean was my saviour that night!)

2. Some say that ever 'gainst that season comes wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated, the bird of dawning singeth all night long. (翻译:有人说 每逢我们庆祝圣诞 在节日的前几天 这种家禽就整夜地啼)

3. Our Saviour comes, let us prepare the way for him. (翻译:我们的救世主来了, 让我们准备迎接他的到来。)

4. Do you confess Jesus Christ as your saviour and promise to serve him as your Lord? (翻译:你是否愿意接受为你的救世主 并承诺奉他为你的主吗)

5. Hitler alone seemed the saviour foretold by the monuments of the border: (翻译:本人似乎就是边界的纪念碑上 所预言的的那个救世主:)

6. Mingmei: No, no, no. You offer your blood to me, and you are saviour of my baby and me. (翻译:明美:不,不,不,你捐了血给我,是我跟孩子的救命恩人。)

7. Everything we do is done to deserve the sacrifice of our Saviour. (翻译:我们所做的一切都是值得的 救世主的牺牲。)

8. Now, Saviour won the global vote, but he didn't win the Zambian election. (翻译:现在,Saviour Chishimba赢得了全球投票, 但是他没有在国内选举获胜。)

9. The green debate tends to polarise into science-as-saviour versus science-as-devil camps. (翻译:有关环保的辩论往往会分化成“科学是救星”和“科学是恶魔”两个阵营。)

10. We commence today with a number of readings from the four Gospels which depict the earthly life of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. (翻译:我们由今天开始查考四卷福音书的,借此认识我们的救主,的生平。)

11. In its " Rifleman 's Creed" a recruit swears before God to treat his rifle as his best friend, his brother and the saviour of his life. (翻译:在其“步兵射手信条”中,新兵需对上帝发誓他将把自己的视作自己的挚友、兄弟和生命的救星。)

12. The new manager has been hailed as the saviour of the club. (翻译:新任经理被誉为俱乐部的救星。)

13. Take comfort in the fact that she is in the warm embrace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (翻译:感到欣慰的是, 她是在温暖的怀抱 我们的主为 救主。)

14. In the 1990s, money poured in from the public for the rebuilding of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in the centre of Moscow, the Cathedral which Stalin had obliterated 70 years before. (翻译:在xx年代,公众纷纷捐钱, 以便在莫斯科市中心 重建救世主大教堂, 即那座曾被在xx年前抹掉的教堂。)

15. For so an entrance shall be ministered to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (翻译:的确,这样你们便更有把握,进入我们的主和救主永远的国。)


