potash是什么意思 potash的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-21 20:50:37难免失落


1. 定义:Potash指的是一种含有钾的化合物,通常是氢氧化钾或碳酸钾。

potash是什么意思 potash的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 用途:Potash主要用于制造肥料,尤其是钾肥,这是农业中必不可少的营养素。此外,它还用于生产玻璃、肥皂、化学品和其他一系列工业产品。

3. 产地:目前全球最大的Potash生产国是加拿大,其他主要产地包括俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、以色列和德国等国家。


1. Potash is an important component of many fertilizers, which can help to improve crop yields.(Potash是许多肥料的重要组成部分,可以帮助提高作物产量。)

2. The potash mining industry is a major employer in some regions, especially in Canada.(Potash采矿业是一些地区的重要雇主,尤其是在加拿大。)

3. The price of potash can be volatile due to fluctuations in demand and supply.(Potash价格可能会因需求和供应的波动而不稳定。)

4. The government of Saskatchewan recently announced plans to invest in the potash industry, aiming to boost production and create jobs.(萨斯喀彻温省最近宣布计划投资于Potash工业,旨在提高产量和创造就业机会。)

5. Some farmers prefer to use organic fertilizers rather than potash-based ones, as they believe they are more environmentally friendly.(一些农民更喜欢使用有机肥料而不是基于Potash的肥料,因为他们认为前者更环保。)





1. Potash is an important ingredient in the production of gl.


2. Farmers often use potash fertilizer to improve soil fertility.





例句:Moreover, the would-be acquirer has already been doing its best to raise its local profile. (此外,这个自称Potash的下一拥有者已竭尽所能地提升其在当地的形象。)


例句:The nitrate is also called saltpeter, and the carbonate is called potash. (硝酸盐亦称硝石,碳酸盐亦称钾碱。)


例句:Effect of potash fertilizer and organic fertilizer on yield and product quality of endive (钾肥和有机肥对油荬菜产量及商品品质的影响)


例句:The company said it would continue to pursue its Jansen potash project in Canada, which would be the world's biggest single potash mine. (翻译:公司表示,将继续从事在加拿大的Jansen钾肥项目。)


potash一般作为名词使用,如在hydrated potash(含水碳酸钾,结晶碳酸钾)、moles potash(酒厂副产钾肥,糖密钾肥)、muriate of potash([化] 氯化钾)等常见短语中出现较多。

hydrated potash含水碳酸钾,结晶碳酸钾
moles potash酒厂副产钾肥,糖密钾肥
muriate of potash[化] 氯化钾
permanganate of potash[网络] 钾盐高锰酸盐
permanganates of potash[网络] 钾盐高锰酸盐\n(permanganate of potash 的复数)
potash albite钾钠长石
potash alteration钾化作用;钾蚀变作用
potash alum[化] 明矾
potash alums明矾\n钾矾


1. Effect of potash fertilizer and organic fertilizer on yield and product quality of endive (翻译:钾肥和有机肥对油荬菜产量及商品品质的影响)

2. The company said it would continue to pursue its Jansen potash project in Canada, which would be the world's biggest single potash mine. (翻译:公司表示,将继续从事在加拿大的Jansen钾肥项目。)

3. The nitrate is also called saltpetre, and the carbonate is called potash. (翻译:硝酸盐亦称硝石,碳酸盐亦称钾碱。)

4. But it said the move to hire HBSC was preliminary and did not mean Sinochem would make a counterbid for Potash Corp. (翻译:但报导称,中化此举只是初步意向,并不意味着该公司将对加钾发出竞购要约。)

5. Canpotex already controls about 25 per cent of global potash exports, putting the combined share of the two main cartels at 60 per cent. (翻译:Canpotex本已控制着全球约25%的钾肥出口,这将使两家主要卡特尔所控制的市场份额达到60%。)

6. In potash it turns black, but in alum nothing happens until you bring it to the boil, then purple colour comes flooding out. (翻译:在碳酸钾中,它变成黑色,而在明矾中一开始却什么反应都没有,直到煮沸后紫色都溢出来了。)

7. Potash said the BHP bid 'grossly undervalued' the company; BHP has said the offer is full and fair. (翻译:Potash表示,必和必拓的报价“严重低估”了公司价值,而必和必拓则称这个价格既充分又合理。)

8. The granitic gneissic rock series contained the early rich-agpaitic TTG-granites and the later rich-potash granites. (翻译:花岗质片麻岩包括早期富钠的TTG质花岗岩和稍后的富钾花岗岩。)

9. He said the company likely held exploratory talks with the federal government before launching its bid for Potash Corp. (翻译:他说必和必拓公司很可能在发起竞标收购Potash公司之前已经与联邦尝试磋商过。)

10. Potash is one of three Canadian potash producers that own Canpotex. (翻译:Potash是拥有Canpotex的加拿大三大钾肥制造商之一。)

11. Hence the big demand for potash. (翻译:这样碳酸钾的需求量就非常巨大。)

12. Put to a Canadian, such talk may elicit reminders of that country's pivotal influence as a potash, tar sands and uranium producer. (翻译:把这番话说给加拿大人听,也许会引发对方提醒,加拿大作为出产钾肥、油砂和的国家,拥有关键影响力。)

13. It is a product of volcanic rocks of the mesozoic era over-saturated with silica and rich in potash. it can be compared with geode natrolite that producedin alkaline basalt series of the cenozoic era. (翻译:它是中生代硅酸过饱和并富钾质的火山岩系的产物,其意义可与产于新生代碱性玄武岩系中的晶洞钠沸石对比。)

14. Potash fertilizer plays a very important role to the experimental control of the victims of kapok tree. (翻译:钾肥对实验地木棉树的受害控制起着很重要的作用。)

15. You gentlemen will be combining sulfur rock, nitrate of potash and charcoal to create what is commonly known as black powder. (翻译:我们来混合硫磺硝石 和木炭做成俗称黑的东西)


