指南车用英语怎么说 指南车的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-21 21:58:37曼凡

指南车英语为" Compass Chaot",其次还可以说成" wagon guide",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到62个与指南车相关译文和例句。

9. Sailing Direction(航海指南, 航路指南)

指南车用英语怎么说 指南车的英语翻译

10. practice guidelines( 实用指南;实践指南;行医指南)

11. pgram guide( 节目指南;收视指南;项目指南)

16. style guide( 风格指南;设计指南;风格指南文档)

Car Buyer Guide Car Guide BUYERS GUIDE ( 购车指南 )

Parking Guide for Cities ( 城市停车指南 )

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ( 银河系搭车客指南 )

NADA Used Car Guide ( 纳达二手车指南 )

Consumer Guide Automotive ( 消费者指南汽车卷 )

9. Got yo instructions handy?

9. - Here are yo instructions.

10. "how to plan an or in a all town."

11. -The how-to guide to cheating.

16. This has to do with respect.

10. The mate man's guide to style.

11. According to the legend, it was Emper Huang who invented the compass cart, which was used in the battles with Chiyou.

16. Previously on "How to Get Away with Mder"...

16. Could i borw yo Yellow Pages?

16. - How to svive a Sharknado. - [Audience Applse]

16. - They didn't send the restaant guide.

16. imagine you're on a honeymoon
