花指令用英语怎么说 花指令的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-22 20:24:36残羽

花指令英语翻译是"imperative instruction",还经常被译作instruction fetch,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到72个与花指令相关短语翻译和用法。

1. Yes, you nr know when another virus might hit.

2. client's margin deposite withdraw order order limit order limit order stop order stop order

花指令用英语怎么说 花指令的英语翻译


3. Waiting for permission to fire.

4. Upper senses repair ordered.

5. Enough to follow basic instruction.

6. Manual, relay instructions!

7. Cassie, pilot emergency command 0-0-0.

8. Everything is makeshift, opinions, statements.

9. Stand by. Await instructions.

10. Manual entry. Overde denied.

11. [AG/LMP] All ght. Will do.

12. Request initial maneuvers.

13. Under the orders of the Supreme Commander of...

14. Machines have instructions.
