inet是什么意思 inet的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-22 20:56:37查无此人

inet 可以指代 internet 的缩写形式,表示互联网。它通常作为名词使用,是一个计算机网络领域的术语。在发音上,inet 读作 [nt],拼写为 inet。


inet是什么意思 inet的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. The inet has changed the way we communicate and access information.(互联网已经改变了我们沟通和获取信息的方式。)

2. The inet provides us with a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips.(互联网为我们提供了丰富的知识资源。)

3. The company's success can be attributed to their strong online presence in the inet.(公司的成功可以归功于他们在互联网上的强大存在。)

4. The inet has revolutionized global commerce and trade.(互联网已经彻底改变了全球商业和贸易。)

5. I spend way too much time browsing the inet.(我花太多时间在互联网上浏览了。)

6. In today's digital age, having access to the inet is essential.(在如今的数字时代,拥有互联网接入是必要的。)

7. The inet has made it possible for people all over the world to connect and share ideas.(互联网使得全世界人们能够联系和分享想法。)




1. 我们现在生活在一个高度互联的时代,互联网对我们的生活有着重要的影响。

2. 他通过inet上的搜索引擎找到了大量的相关资料。

3. 互联网已经成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。




例句:I consider this essential to ensure the independence of INET, since I am the advocate of an alternative paradigm as well as a sponsor. (我觉得这是保证INET的基础——因为我既是一个替代性范式的提倡者,又是赞助者。)


例句:Function inet_init also initializes the various inet modules, such as the ARP, ICMP, the IP modules, and the TCP and UDP modules. (函数inet _ init也会对各个inet模块进行初始化,例如ARP、ICMP和IP模块,以及TCP和UDP模块。)


例句:Additional protocols can be added to inetsw protocol switch through a call to inet_register_protosw. (可以通过调用inet_register_protosw将其他协议加入到inetsw协议中。)


例句:One response of the big exchanges has been to buy electronic networks that pose a threat, as the NYSE did with Archipelago and NASDAQ did with INET. (翻译:这些巨型交易所的一个反应是去购买电子网络设施来应对威胁,就像纽交所对Archipelago和纳斯达克对INET。)


1. Additional protocols can be added to inetsw protocol switch through a call to inet_register_protosw. (翻译:可以通过调用inet_register_protosw将其他协议加入到inetsw协议中。)

2. One response of the big exchanges has been to buy electronic networks that pose a threat, as the NYSE did with Archipelago and NASDAQ did with INET. (翻译:这些巨型交易所的一个反应是去购买电子网络设施来应对威胁,就像纽交所对Archipelago和纳斯达克对INET。)

3. You also need an ACE_INET_Addr object for the client (unlike for TCP) specifying the port that will send and receive the datagrams. (翻译:与TCP的情况不同,对于客户机还需要一个ACE_INET_Addr对象,它指定将发送和接收数据报的端口。)

4. A 2-stage turbine helium circulator is used in the high pressure test helium loop in INET, TsinghuaUniversity. (翻译:介绍了用于高压氦气试验回路的二级涡轮式氦气循环风机。)
