亨利七世用英语怎么说 亨利七世英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-22 22:00:36安忆

亨利七世英语有两种说法,可以翻译为edward vii pen.,还经常被译作ferdinand vii,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到93个与亨利七世相关短语释义和例句。

1. When the king left Pas, the cwds this time shouted: "Vive notre i! "


亨利七世用英语怎么说 亨利七世英语翻译

2. in 1492, Henry Vii concluded the Treaty of Etaples with France. So the Breton question was settled, and Anglo -french relations were defined for the time being.


3. The holiday marks the death of the Pphet Mohammad's grandson imam Hussein at the snth-centy battle of Kerbala.


4. Tell him if he wants to spend sn lifetimes with me..

5. The Cup was named after the Snth Earl of Hopetoun, a Scotan, who was Governor-General of Australia at the tn of the centy.


6. And tcked me into saving her fm reincarnating as a dog

7. And as late as the 7th Centy, the chicken was considered a symbol for Chstianity.

8. - i... King Chstian Vii, hereby declare war on .

9. Then had come the busy years of Henry Vii and Henry Viii when there had been no money for forei explorations.


10. And granted us sn lifetimes as man and wife

11. The queers in the Eduardo Vii park

译文:爱德华七世公园 The queers in the Eduardo VII park。

12. Her son King Edward Vii belonged to the House of Saxe-Cobg and Gotha.

13. They served my family for sn centues.

14. Prajadhipok fled to exile in London and abdicated in 1935, deepening the dft.

