天空蔚蓝用英语怎么说 天空蔚蓝英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-23 21:59:35易蕾

天空蔚蓝用英语翻译为"firmament",还网络中常译为"neoitamus cvanus",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到67个与天空蔚蓝相关短语释义和例句。

1. Yes, you see, the sky was so blue today...

2. with blue skies as far as the eye can see.

天空蔚蓝用英语怎么说 天空蔚蓝英语翻译

3. Look up at the clear, blue sky!

4. Her eyes like the heavens so clear

5. The air is ciously scented, the sky is crystal clear, the city... my city, is betiful, just like hope.

译文:空气中满是求知气息 天空蔚蓝 而我城市 如此美丽 如同希望。

6. Observe the commitment, just as the sky is kept bght bluely and bght and cleanly;

7. Sky blue is also unparalleled, and only a few slices of tulle Qinun, days connected to the sea.


8. And no blue skies for the atmosphere contained no oxygen.

9. kaze ga yanda sora no maa mizukara no te de tsukamu aa Right under the windless sky, grasp tomorw with yo own hands.

10. Eye of gold... Thigh of blue...

11. the sky is clear blue Jiaji immense, and only a few films like Mark Qinun.


12. Once the sky above had been a shimmeng, cloudless blue.
