东安市场用英语怎么说 东安市场英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-24 16:26:35书蓝

东安市场通常被翻译为" hall"意思,还可以翻译为hard ,在《英语A实用语法词典》中,共找到10个与东安市场相关短语翻译和用法。

1. Zhengda Hosiery Mill, and its predecessor, Puli Hosiery Mill, was the sole kniear mill in Dong'an Bazaar which was in its earlier stage.

东安市场用英语怎么说 东安市场英语翻译


2. The OTCBB is commonly called the third , which is the extension of the gwth enterpse .


3. Market competition is the activity of scrabbling the business chances beeen the -bodies.

4. The for the vaccine will be much greater than the medicine.

5. it dominates the high end of the .

6. He served as eastern Zhejiang an Fusi Services Officer, rank over, lifting Taizhou worship Taoist.

7. That would keep the Middle East pretty calm.

8. Geological Charactesti and Pspecting potential of DongAn Gold Ore Field in Heilongjiang

9. GRR HC HCO Carer Secuty Fee Chasis Usage Charge Custom Clearance Fee Container Yard


10. The ferryboat Don Hills, filled with commuters, about to dock at a New York City pier, ca. 1945.


11. The Spngs was actually the neighborhood in East Hampton where he lived and worked,

12. The is not the society.

13. The Don gold deposit discovered in the Heilongjiang pvince is a large epithermal deposit.


14. Stewed fins, Dong Anzi chicken, immortal chicken with five elements, are of the highest reputation.
