squid是什么意思 squid的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-28 11:59:29几分凉暮

1. 词释:

squid是什么意思 squid的中文翻译、读音、例句


2. 科学研究:



1. I had grilled squid for dinner last night.


2. The fishermen caught a lot of squid today.


3. The researchers used squid to study nerve impulses.


4. The squid was afraid of the light and quickly swam away.


5. The squid has a unique ability to change its color to blend in with its surroundings.



1. I ordered fried squid for appetizer.(我点了炸鱿鱼当开胃菜。)

2. Squid ink pasta is one of my favorite dishes.(墨鱼汁面是我最喜欢的菜之一。)

3. This painting reminds me of a giant squid.(这幅画让我想起了一只巨型鱿鱼。)

4. Squids are known for their ability to change colors rapidly.(鱿鱼以其能够快速改变颜色的能力而著名。)

5. The fisherman caught a huge squid yesterday.(渔民昨天捕到了一只巨大的鱿鱼。)

6. Some species of squid can grow up to 40 feet long.(有些鱿鱼的体长可以达到40英尺。)

7. Squid is a popular ingredient in Japanese cuisine.(鱿鱼是日本料理中的一种受欢迎的食材。)

8. It's not uncommon to see squids swimming near the s.(在海岸附近看到鱿鱼游泳并不罕见。)

9. Researchers are studying the mating behavior of squids.(研究人员正在研究鱿鱼的行为。)




1. I had grilled squid for dinner last night.


2. Squid are often caught for their ink, which is used in cooking and art.


squid在英语中代表"鱿鱼 、超导量子干涉器件"的意思,在英美地区还有"超导量子干涉元件"的意思,发音音标为[skwid],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到19个与squid相关的句子。



例句:Trawlers in the area obtain hake and other fish that are at or near the bottom, not sardines and squid. (渔船可以在接近海底的地方捕到鳕鱼和其他鱼类,而不是沙丁鱼和乌贼。)


例句:The chicks are fed on predigested squid and fish guzzling nearly half a gallon of oil in one big hit (大鸟把自己已经 先消化了的食物喂给小鸟吃 每次都耗用差不多半加仑的油脂)


例句:And that was a Humboldt squid, a juvenile Humboldt squid, about three feet long. (那是个洪堡鱿鱼, 一个幼年的洪堡鱿鱼,大约3英尺长。)


例句:- Barracudas, stingrays, electric eel, trout, hammerheads, piranhas, giant squid, octopi... (翻译:刺? 、 电鳗 、 双髻鲛 鳟鱼 、 食人鱼 、 大乌贼...)


squid一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dried squid(鱿鱼[干],乌贼干, 鱿干)、firefly squid(萤乌贼)、flying squid([网络] 会飞的乌贼;飞鱿鱼)等常见短语中出现较多。

dried squid鱿鱼[干],乌贼干, 鱿干
firefly squid萤乌贼
flying squid[网络] 会飞的乌贼;飞鱿鱼
fresh squid鲜鱿鱼
fried squid[网络] 酥炸鲜鱿;炒鱿鱼;炸鱿鱼
giant squidn. 巨型鱿鱼; 大王乌贼
gl squid[网络] 大眼乌贼
squid boat捕鱿鱼船
squid ink[网络] 墨汁;墨鱼汁;墨鱼色


1. And that was a Humboldt squid, a juvenile Humboldt squid, about three feet long. (翻译:那是个洪堡鱿鱼, 一个幼年的洪堡鱿鱼,大约3英尺长。)

2. - Barracudas, stingrays, electric eel, trout, hammerheads, piranhas, giant squid, octopi... (翻译:刺? 、 电鳗 、 双髻鲛 鳟鱼 、 食人鱼 、 大乌贼...)

3. And the reason the squid is willing to put up with these shenanigans is because it wants that light. (翻译:这种乌贼之所以愿意接受它们在里面胡作非为 是因为它需要这些亮光。这种共存行为的建立基础 )

4. The applications of cryogenic adhesive bonding technology in SQUID non - magnetic Dewar and other fields are introduced. (翻译:介绍了低温粘接技术在SQUID 无磁杜瓦及其它领域中的应用。)

5. This is something that my people at SQUID Labs are working on at the moment, called "electronic rope." (翻译:这是我在 SQUID Labs 的朋友做的 叫电子绳 )

6. So, imagine a great white shark and a giant squid in the same bathroom. (翻译:所以,想象一个白大鲨和大乌贼在同一间厕所里。)

7. This is something that my people at SQUID Labs are working on at the moment, called "electronic rope." (翻译:这是我在 SQUID Labs 的朋友做的 叫电子绳)

8. Main materials: Shrimps, Squid, Onion, Carrot, Bean milk skin, marinas. (翻译:原料:虾仁、鱿鱼、洋葱、胡萝卜、特级豆腐皮、蛋黄酱。)

9. Forward credits could be useful in the squid business. (翻译:远期信贷在鱿鱼生意中可能是有用的。)

10. Squid are on their way to Tokyo and our sharks are on the way to do so. (翻译:章鱼正朝着东京前去 而我们的巨鲨也在路上了)

11. Like squid, they were swimming tentacled molluscs-a group called the cephalopods. (翻译:它们象鱿鱼一样是游动的触手软体动物,这类软体动物被称为头足类动物。)

12. A sea creature much like a squid. (翻译:是一种很像鱿鱼的海洋生物 A sea creature much like a squid.)

13. This deep-sea squid fishes for prey using long sticky tentacles. (翻译:This deep sea squid fishes for prey using long, sticky tentacles. 这只深海乌贼使用黏性长触须捕捉猎物)

14. They dive to over 3,000 feet for squid. (翻译:它们可以潜入 三千多米深的海底去捕食鱿鱼)

15. But Atlantean inventors always base their designs on real animals. Like the giant squid. (翻译:但是亚特兰迪斯的发明者总是制造 出同真实生物相同的机器,如巨大的乌贼.)


