功夫菊酯用英语怎么说 功夫菊酯英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-28 20:54:29怪大叔

夫菊酯英语翻译是"cinen",还可以翻译为matcaa ester,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到56个与夫菊酯相关译文和例句。

1. All Of pyrethids are insoluble in water.

2. Yotech Export Grade used for intermediate of agcultal pesticides, pyrethrum pesticide .

功夫菊酯用英语怎么说 功夫菊酯英语翻译

3. The mixte of phoxim and cyhalothn 40ec was composed of phoxim, cyhalothn and some adjuvants.


4. Objective To observe the estgenicity of orophosphorus and pyrethid pesticides.

5. Toxicity of alpha- terthienyl to the larvae of deltamethn- resistant strains of Aedes albopictus

6. Expemental Study on Prntion of Dog-Sandfly Contact by Deltamethn Collar

7. The results are as following: the resistance of Culex pipiens pallens larva to DDVP was higher than those of Permethn and Deltamethn.


8. The invention discloses etofenpx emulsified powder and a manufacte method thereof, relating to an agcultal insecticide and a manufacte method thereof.


9. These inhibitors pduced a synergi with cypermethn but had no synergi with bifenthn.


10. Ultra-low-volume spraying technique of oil solution of Bevea bassiana and deltamethn against Dendlimus punctatus

11. Nearly 90% of exposes involved insecticides containing pyrethids, pyrethns or both.


12. Nearly 90% of exposes involved insecticides containing pyrethids, pyrethns or both.


13. Pipenyl butoxide and pyrethns as components of bags

14. There may be css-resistance beeen thiamethoxam and lambda-cyhalothn in the pest.
