socia是什么意思 socia的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-28 21:59:29月满

socia是什么意思 socia的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would like to explain the word or abbreviation 'socia' from at least 5 aspects and provide 5 examples in both English and Chinese.

1. Origin and Definition of 'Socia'

'Socia' is not a proper English word. However, it could be an abbreviation for various words, such as 'social', 'sociology', 'social media', 'social service', or 'socialist'.

2. The Meaning of 'Socia'

Depending on the context, 'socia' could have different meanings. For instance, 'social' refers to relating to society, while 'social media' means online platforms used for social networking and communication.

3. Parts of Speech and Usage of 'Socia'

As an abbreviation, 'socia' could function as different parts of speech, such as a noun, adjective, or adverb. It could be used in various contexts, such as academic research, social media posts, political speeches, or daily conversations.

4. Synonyms and Antonyms of 'Socia'

There are many synonyms for 'socia' depending on the context, such as community, collective, societal, or socialist. Likewise, there could be antonyms, such as individualistic, selfish, or non-social.

5. Cultural and Linguistic Implications of 'Socia'

The meaning and usage of 'socia' could vary across cultures and languages. For example, the term 'socialism' could be interpreted differently in Western and Eastern countries, depending on their socio-economic ideologies and histories.


1. Social: It is essential to have a strong social network for our mental health and well-being. (社交:拥有强大的社交网络对我们的心理健康和幸福感至关重要。)

2. Sociology: He studied sociology in college and researched the impact of social inequality on crime rates. (社会学:他在大学里学习了社会学,研究了社会不平等对犯罪率的影响。)

3. Social media: She spends hours every day scrolling through social media and commenting on her friends' photos. (社交媒体:她每天花几个小时在社交媒体上浏览并评论她朋友的照片。)

4. Social service: The organization provides various social services for the elderly, including meals on wheels and home visits. (社会服务:该组织为老年人提供各种社会服务,包括餐车和家访。)

5. Socialist: Some people argue that raising taxes on the rich is a socialist policy, while others see it as essential for a fair society. (社会主义者:一些人认为向富人征税是社会主义政策,而另一些人认为这是建立公平社会的必要手段。)





例句:The nature also lies in fostering individual independence of people, social practicalness and soci... (其实质在于培育人的个体性、社会实践性和社会责任性。)


例句:You are playing with social issues like with toy cars. (你们玩现实的玩意 Vous jouez avec les sujets de socit)




socia一般作为名词使用,如在emmesomyia socia(瑞典花蝇)、socia parotidis([医] 副腮腺)、philonotis socia mitt(细叶泽藓)等常见短语中出现较多。

emmesomyia socia瑞典花蝇
socia parotidis[医] 副腮腺
philonotis socia mitt细叶泽藓

