stuttering是什么意思 stuttering的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-29 11:59:30故我

stuttering是什么意思 stuttering的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:stuttering speech(口吃的说话)

短语:stuttering therapy(口吃治疗)



1. His stuttering has become more ounced since he started this job.(自从他开始这份工作以来,口吃的情况变得更加明显了。)

2. She attended stuttering therapy sessions in order to improve her speech.(她参加了口吃治疗课程以改善她的说话。)

3. I find it hard to understand him because of his stuttering.(由于他的口吃,我很难理解他。)

4. He has been stuttering since he was a child.(他从小就开始口吃了。)

5. The stuttering made it difficult for him to make friends.(口吃让他很难交朋友。)




1. He struggled to get his words out, stuttering and stammering.


2. The boy's stuttering made it difficult for him to communicate with his clmates.


3. She had overcome her stuttering through speech therapy and confidence-building exercises.





例句:DOWN the ages stuttering has been blamed on many things. (多年来,口吃可以归咎于许多事。)


例句:and bloom explained he meant , on account of it being cruel for the wife having to go round after the old stuttering fool. (布卢姆还在解释说,他指的是由于做老婆的不得不追在那个口吃的老傻瓜后面跑跑颠颠,这太残酷了。)


例句:Linnea still wages the battle against her stuttering and tics each and every day. (琳内娅每天仍然要和她的口吃和抽搐战斗。)


例句:for after a day or two at sea he began to appear on deck with hazy eye, red cheeks, stuttering tongue, and other marks of drunkenness. (翻译:由于出海一两天后,他便开始带着迷糊的眼神、发红的面孔、结巴的舌头,以及其他酗酒的迹象出现在甲板上。)


stuttering一般作为名词使用,如在interiorized stuttering([网络] 内部口吃)、labiocic stuttering([医] 唇痉挛性口吃, 唇舞病)、stuttering urination([医] 间歇性排尿)等常见短语中出现较多。

interiorized stuttering[网络] 内部口吃
labiocic stuttering[医] 唇痉挛性口吃, 唇舞病
stuttering urination[医] 间歇性排尿
urinary stuttering[医] 断续排尿


1. Linnea still wages the battle against her stuttering and tics each and every day. (翻译:琳内娅每天仍然要和她的口吃和抽搐战斗。)

2. for after a day or two at sea he began to appear on deck with hazy eye, red cheeks, stuttering tongue, and other marks of drunkenness. (翻译:由于出海一两天后,他便开始带着迷糊的眼神、发红的面孔、结巴的舌头,以及其他酗酒的迹象出现在甲板上。)

3. An out-of-tune piano can lead to flubs and the stuttering habit of pausing at every mistake. (翻译:一架跑调的钢琴会把一切都变糟而且这种结结巴巴的毛病会导致每次出现错误时的停顿。)

4. Not stupid, just stuttering. (翻译:不是蠢,只是口吃。)

5. That, of course, raises the question of what a stuttering mouse sounds like. (翻译:当然,那也引起一个疑问,口吃的老鼠叫起来应该是怎样的。)

6. There's nothing funny about stuttering, but people laugh. They're amused. (翻译:装口吃并不好笑 但大家还是笑了,他们很开心)

7. He had to stop talking because if he'd kept on, the stuttering would have started. (翻译:他不得不停止讲话,因为如果他继续下去,口吃就会发作。)

8. Dennis Drayna of America's National Institutes of Health argued to the meeting that persistent stuttering is at least partly a matter of genes. (翻译:美国国家卫生研究院的丹尼斯。德雷纳在会上说道,持续的口吃至少一部分原因是基因问题。)

9. I got no room for heroes or stuttering swim champs with a wife and kids. (翻译:本班容不下英雄 或担心妻小的结巴游泳冠军)

10. That's 'cause you're nuts and you're deaf, and I'm not some stuttering, harelipped girl. (翻译:那是因为你是 坚果,你是, 而且我不是有些口吃, harelipped女孩。)

11. It is often a stuttering journey, with cul-de-sacs and fog. And the goal can change as you approach it. (翻译:这个过程通常跌跌撞撞,一路上有死胡同,还有迷雾,但在你接近它的过程中,目标也许又会发生改变。)

12. No, I'm offended by that lame story of you curing some harelipped, stuttering girl overnight. (翻译:不,我用蹩脚的故事冒犯 您固化一些harelipped的, 口吃的女孩过夜。它只是不会发生那么快。)

13. Like starlight, which can convey images of the way the Universe looked in the distant past, so multispectral light can take us back to the first stuttering moments of an object's creation. (翻译:地图就好像星光一样 告知我们 遥远过去的宇宙是什么样的 所以多谱成像的光可以让我们回到 物体被首先创造出来时 那个稚嫩而不成熟的时刻 )

14. Treat correctly handle the stuttering and children in diseases such as astrictive stuttering, mostly because of infant's or mental stress, the boy suddenly about 4 percent, approximately 2 girls. (翻译:正确对待相处理幼儿的口吃和遗尿等疾病,口吃多是因幼儿模仿或精神突然紧张造成的,男孩大约有4%,女孩大约有2%。)

15. Need you to deal with a... stuttering boy in the main office. (翻译:需要你们来处理一个.. 口吃的男孩 在大办公室)


