the daily show是什么意思 the daily show的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-30 20:08:28黑色梦魇

the daily show是什么意思 the daily show的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:dle o


1. 我们今晚一起看《每日秀》吧,他们总是能用幽默的方式让我们了解世界上的事情。

Let's watch The Daily Show together tonight. They always manage to inform us about what's going on in the world in a funny way.

2. 《每日秀》是一档非常知名的类喜剧节目,旨在向观众传递最新的时事和信息。

The Daily Show is a well-known political comedy show aimed at informing audiences about current events and politics.
