sfa是什么意思 sfa的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-30 20:44:28听南

sfa是什么意思 sfa的中文翻译、读音、例句

SFA是英语的一个缩写词,通常指的是“Sales Force Automation”,即销售力量自动化。



词组搭配:除了上述的完整词组“Sales Force Automation”之外,SFA还可以和其他词组搭配使用。例如,“SFA software”指的是销售力量自动化软件,“SFA tools”指的是销售力量自动化工具等等。

相关短语:与SFA相关的一些常用短语包括“sales automation”(销售自动化)、“sales tracking”(销售追踪)、“sales management”(销售管理)等等。



1. SFA也可以是英文缩写,表示“sales force automation”,即销售力量自动化。这是一种利用技术手段来提高销售效率和效果的方法,包括利用软件、设备和数据分析等工具来帮助销售人员更好地管理客户关系、推销产品和服务等。

例句:Our company has implemented a new SFA system that has greatly improved our sales efficiency. (我们公司实施了一种新的销售力量自动化系统,大大提高了我们的销售效率。)

2. SFA也是一个缩写,表示“Society of Financial Advisers”,即金融顾问协会。这是一个致力于提供金融咨询和规划服务的专业组织。

例句:I am a member of SFA and attend their annual conference every year to stay current on industry trends. (我是金融顾问协会的会员,每年都参加他们的年会以保持行业趋势的最新动态。)

3. SFA还可以是一个缩写,表示“superficial femoral artery”,即股骨浅动脉。这是人体的一条主要血管,负责向腿部供血。

例句:The surgeon successfully repaired the blockage in my SFA and restored blood flow to my leg. (外科医生成功修复了我股骨浅动脉的阻塞,并恢复了我腿部的血液流动。)




例句:APP said in a statement on its website that it will deal with the case "according to the final decision of the SFA. " (APP在其公司网站上的一份声明中称,公司将“根据国家和云南省及相关部门的最终决定,依法处理云景林纸并购一案。”)


例句:The acceptability of clients on the intending loan rate is reflected with the maximum SFA efficiency-to-be. (利用未来可达到最大SFA效率,来反映客户未来对贷款利率的接受程度。)


例句:Objective: to study the clinical characteristic and Risk factor in sudden-onset fatal asthma (SFA). (目的:探讨突发性致死性哮喘sfa的临床特点及其危险因素。)


例句:In the UK, the FSA has been established as a single financial regulator subsuming the responsibilities of the Bank of England and the SFA. (翻译:在英国,金融局已被确定为一个单一的金融监管机构,归入英国央行和国家的责任范围。)


1. Objective: to study the clinical characteristic and Risk factor in sudden-onset fatal asthma (SFA). (翻译:目的:探讨突发性致死性哮喘sfa的临床特点及其危险因素。)

2. In the UK, the FSA has been established as a single financial regulator subsuming the responsibilities of the Bank of England and the SFA. (翻译:在英国,金融局已被确定为一个单一的金融监管机构,归入英国央行和国家的责任范围。)

3. Mr Zhu said China's State Forestry Administration (SFA) estimated there were only around 50 tigers left in the nation's wilderness. (翻译:朱先生说,中国国家估计还有50只老虎生活在野生环境里。)

4. In CRM and SFA applications, data is often filtered, but some of the data is still updated in more than one place. (翻译:在CRM和SFA应用程序中,通常都会筛选数据,但有些数据仍将在多个位置更新。)

5. In the UK, the FSA has been established as a single financial regulator subsuming the responsibilities of the Bank of England and the SFA. (翻译:在英国,金融局已被确定为一个单一的金融监管机构,归入英国央行和国家的责任范围。)
