a h c是什么意思 a h c的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-31 15:40:40ンHero丶雅倩

a h c是什么意思 a h c的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思和用法:首先,a h c是“Ad Hoc Committee”的缩写,意思是“临时委员会”。这个词通常用于描述由一群人组成的临时委员会,这个委员会的特点是它们在一定的时间内被组织起来来完成一个具体的任务,完成后就解散了。


- The company set up an ad hoc committee to investigate the incident.

- The school formed an ad hoc committee to discuss the new policy on uniforms.

- The government established an ad hoc committee to address the issue of climate change.

2. 衍生词语:a h c也可以衍生出一些类似的词汇,比如a h c team,a h c group,a h c task等等,它们的基本含义都是临时的,用来描述某种特定的任务或目标。


- The a h c team was formed to handle the emergency situation.

- The a h c group was tasked with finding a solution to the problem.

- The a h c task was completed successfully by the team.

3. 实际应用:a h c这个词在日常生活中并不是非常常见,但是在某些特定的场合下,它确实是非常有用的。比如在、商业和教育等环境中,人们经常需要成立a h c来处理一些特定的问题。


- The a h c played a critical role in resolving the diplomatic crisis.

- The a h c was able to negotiate a successful deal with the suppliers.

- The a h c was formed to discuss the new curriculum for the school.

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