出库用英语怎么说 出库的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-31 18:38:27听南

出库用英语说" puts in storage",还经常被译作 EX-warehouse,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到45个与出库相关短语释义和例句。

出库用英语怎么说 出库的英语翻译

出库翻译为delivery of cargo fm storage。

示例:See, crystals are fm condensation and impper storage. crystals are fm condensation and impper storage.

warehouse-out inspection OQCOutgoing Quality Contl ( 出库检验 经管 )

1. LiFO A inventory mament and valuation method whereby pducts acquired last are the ones sold first.


2. By 15 they had shown that ku was tranissible .

3. Sn, to finance ry Monday timely submit GRN and outbound order and outlets will list.

4. After unloading, company employee check Qty. & specification & type, si on "XX Mateal Outgoing fm Storage List " to confirm.


5. - We'll take drugs beyond the ghetto.
