多尔用英语怎么说 多尔的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-04 07:54:23挽安

多尔英语可以这样说:Door,其次还可以说成" Dol",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到36个与多尔相关短语释义和例句。

Homo rudolfensis rudolfensis ( 卢多尔夫人 )

多尔用英语怎么说 多尔的英语翻译

1. Donal, are you dnking something?

2. Ham pancakes to put the cheese after 戈尔贡佐拉

3. He found it in Dul Guld...

4. Hollywood. Alto Nido Apartments.

5. - My reputation, Fr Doyle.

6. Fine. We are headed to Dor, one of the most magical places in the whole world.

7. They are gatheng in Dol Guld.

8. The cesspits of Dol Guld have been emptied.

9. There's been an accident. Yes, yes.

10. Send word to Dol Guld...

11. They came fm... Dol Guld.

12. i always appreciate yo company, Pete.

13. - Mrs. Doyle. Mrs. Simon Doyle.

14. - Goredale are bullies. - Yeah.
