radicalism是什么意思 radicalism的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-04 09:00:32ヤ┅霏昵ヤ

radicalism是什么意思 radicalism的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. radicalism


- The communist party's radicalism led to the overthrow of the previous government.(党的激进主张导致了前一届的垮台。)

- The radicalism of the student movement during the 1960s was fueled by anti-war sentiment.(20世纪xx年代的激进主张是由反战情绪推动的。)

2. 社会radicalism


- The social radicalism of 1960s America called for equal rights for all individuals regardless of race or gender.(20世纪xx年代美国的社会激进主义呼吁所有人应享有平等的权利,无论种族或性别。)

- Some radical groups believe in the complete abolition of private property rights.(一些激进团体相信应完全废除私人财产权。)

3. 文化radicalism


- The cultural radicalism of the 1960s was expressed through the counterculture movement.(20世纪xx年代的文化激进主义通过反主流文化运动表达出来。)

- Some radical feminists argue that gender is a social construct and should be abolished.(一些激进女权主义者认为性别是一种社会建构,应被废除。)

4. 环保radicalism


- Radical environmentalists often engage in protests and direct action to protect the environment.(激进环保主义者通常通过和直接行动来保护环境。)

- Some believe that only radical changes in the way we live and consume can save the planet from environmental destruction.(一些人认为只有通过根本性的生活和消费方式的变革,才能拯救地球免受环境。)


1. Only a radical restructuring of our economy can save it from collapse.(只有对我们的经济进行根本性的重组,才能避免它崩溃。)

2. The radicalism of the Black Lives Matter movement has brought issues of police brutality to the forefront of public attention.(黑人命也是命运动的激进主张将暴力的问题置于公众关注的前沿。)

3. The radical environmentalist group is planning to blockade the coal mine next week.(激进的环保组织计划在下周封锁煤矿。)

4. Some students criticized their professor's radical views on social justice.(一些学生批评他们的教授在社会正义方面持激进观点。)

5. The Green Party's radical platform includes a complete transition to renewable energy by 2050.(绿党的激进纲领包括到xx年完全转向可再生能源。)





1. He was known for his radicalism and his willingness to challenge the status quo.


2. The rise of religious radicalism in the region has led to increased tensions between different groups.





例句:He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism. (戈德温主要在他的影响下信仰了激进主义。)


例句:But he was slow to radicalize, and cautious even as his radicalism grew. (但是他并不激进,即便在其激进主义思想成长的过程中也很谨慎。)


1. Really mired in Thirties radicalism. - What do you do, Tracy? (翻译:还停留在xx年代的激进主义 你是做什么的?)

2. Sure, there was a certain tendency in the folk movement for nostalgia about the Depression and the radicalism that came out of it. (翻译:很明显,这在民谣的发展路程上 形成了一种倾向 对于萧条时期的回顾、怀旧 还有随之而来的民族主义关注)

3. But the radicalism in their work actually lay in reinserting humanity into a society that was annihilating humanity itself, as, in some senses, Russian society is now doing again. (翻译:但是他们作品中的激进其实在 把人性重新注入 在毁灭人性的社会中, 正如,在某程度上, 现今的俄罗斯社会再一次在做的。)

4. This comes at a time of growing radicalism in Mali and Niger, with illiterate and disillusioned citizens finding solace in mosques. (翻译:而与之相随的是马里和尼日尔两国日益增涨的激进主义情绪,不识字且幻想破灭的国民拥入寺寻求慰藉。)

5. What we've seen over the last two or three years has been a spiral that is going downwards-- destabilization, the spread of the Taliban, the spread of radicalism, the collapse of the economy. (翻译:就在过去的两到xx年 它发生了螺旋式的 的滋长)

6. His radicalism may be curbed. (翻译:他这种激进主义可能受到抑制。)

7. His radicalism and refusal to compromise isolated him. (翻译:他的激进和拒绝让步使他受到了孤立。)

8. Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism. (翻译:琼斯自己是个奇特的激进主义和保守主义的混合体。)


